The Super World Series Bowl – The 1995 Chicago Bears vs. The 2000 New York Yankees
It feels like tonight is game one of the 2016 Super World Series Bowl, where the 1985 Chicago Bears arefacing the 2000 New York Yankees. It makes my stomach hurt. Two teams I can’t stand, for verydifferent reasons, facing off for the title. I have to watch. After all, it’s the Super World Series Bowl.Everyone’s watching. No matter what, the outcome will be bad.
I can’t root for the Bears even though I’m an NFC north guy. My NFC north team didn’t make it. TheBears did. Led by cocky and arrogant Jim McMahon. The guy that succeeded when the rules worked tohis advantage and either broke the ones that didn’t or complained about them like a child. The guy thatshowed up to his first press conference with a beer in his hand, pissed in a doorway when beinginterviewed by a reporter, and dropped his pants and bared his ass for a news helicopter hoveringabove. I hate this guy.
Then we have the 2000 New York Yankees. Arrogant in their own way, yet quietly so. Nothing brash oroffensive, yet at the same time nothing endearing or lovable. They’re owed this title. They’re the NewYork Yankees, after all. They have the best coaches and players… Read More