Disfunction at the Junction
In 1994, a comprehesive study from top to bottom of Cal Trans was performed. There is no proof that it was commissionedin response to jokes like the one below, prevalent in the 80’s and 90’s, but it might have been:
Question: What’s orange, has wheels and sleeps 5? Answer: A CalTrans truck on the side of the freeway. Among the findings were issues with project delivery, meaning, projects were languishing within the bureaucratic process of the agency. Go visit your local Cal Trans office some day if you want to see and feel the maze and labyrinthic smothering atmosphere of a government institution that has outgrown its ability to function. Will Kempton, the current Director, had hisname surface for a brief moment as acandidate for CA’s Secretary of Business, Transportation & Housing, but was immediately pulled back downbecause he is the first of recent Cal Trans directors who has been able tomove the behemouth agency off of its posterior.
Did the study lead to meaningful reforms? Sure. Grab Toto, click your red heels together and come with me.
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