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Barry Jantz

San Diego’s Eminent Domain Initiative

Prop 90 didn’t survive at the polls last November, but it did pass in San Diego County.Former SD City Councilman Fred Schnaubelt and the folks at Citizens for Private Property Rights are leveraging that local success into a San Diego area ballot measure:

Citizens for Private Property Rights

I was condemned in 1963 by the government. If you have ever had your property taken by the government you will never view government the same. It’s a life altering experience. I managed a family owned business in the path of the on-ramp to I-5 from Balboa in Pacific Beach. After 26 years in business, the government put our family business out of business. This is why I’m now in real estate, why I was elected to the San Diego City Council, and why I joined Citizens For Private Property Rights.

Some of you are concerned about the government’s efforts to outlaw the spanking of children, prohibit smoking not only in public buildings but in private, fine you for not wearing seatbelts or not using low-flow toilets, limit tasty foods with trans fats and prohibit coffee, eliminate free speech 90Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assemblyman Smyth: The LAUSD is too big, and the students are paying the price…

Some people lament term limits, saying that it means that some of the best and brightest legislators are forced to leave office too soon. Personally I am a fan of term-limits, for a number of reasons. But that is the topic for another day. But I did want to say that one of the advantages of term-limits is that we get to bring new talent into the legislature. In the case of the voters of California’ 38th Assembly District in Northern Los Angeles County, they elected Cameron Smyth. Smyth is shaping up to be an outstanding legislator, and I know that he will make a tremendous impact during his time in Sacramento.

There are a number of issues about which Smyth is passionate, but certainly seeing that kids are able to receive a quality education ranks right up there. It is because of this passion for the well-being of young people that he has taken on the challenge of trying to deal with the Los Angeles Unified School District. When I say "deal with" — what it means is that Smyth realizes that the district is too vast and too bureacratic. Anyways, I will let himRead More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Smyth: The LAUSD is too big, and the students are paying the price…

Some people lament term limits, saying that it means that some of the best and brightest legislators are forced to leave office too soon. Personally I am a fan of term-limits, for a number of reasons. But that is the topic for another day. But I did want to say that one of the advantages of term-limits is that we get to bring new talent into the legislature. In the case of the voters of California’ 38th Assembly District in Northern Los Angeles County, they elected Cameron Smyth. Smyth is shaping up to be an outstanding legislator, and I know that he will make a tremendous impact during his time in Sacramento. There are a number of issues about which Smyth is passionate, but certainly seeing that kids are able to receive a quality education ranks right up there. It is because of this passion for the well-being of young people that he has taken on the challenge of trying to deal with the Los Angeles Unified School District. When I say "deal with" — what it means is that Smyth realizes that the districtRead More

Jon Fleischman

How to look up a previous day’s FlashReport main page…

One of the most frequent questions that I get from folks it how to go back and look at a previous day’s "issue" of the FlashReport. Specifically, how to toggle to the news from yesterday, or last Thursday, or even a day last year. The answer is actually quite simple. The graphic in this e-mail is a capture of the upper right hand corner of the FlashReport. If you look next to the date, there is a small toggle button. You can use this toggle to go to any day’s FR main news page that you would like. You will also pull up the Daily Commentary for that day in the side window as well. Try it out!

Now when you go on vacation, or if you don’t go online over the weekend, you can easily go back and make sure you are caught up on all of the relevant news stories!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

DeVore Supports Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore sent me his thoughts on the CRP Vice-Chairman’s race, asking that I share it with FR readers. I thought about it a bit, as the FR is not supporting a specific candidate between the three contenders – Tom Del Beccaro, Tom Bordonaro and Jalene Forbis. But I decided to go ahead and print DeVore’s piece, and I have invited the other candidates, if they have a similar ‘third party supporter’ who wants to e-mail something to get posted, they could do so as well. So, here is DeVore’s take: Why I support Tom Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman I have been attending California Republican PartyRead More

Shawn Steel

Terminator Care DOA?

When the California Medical Association hired Trial Lawyer and former Senator Joe Dunn, it looked like another "friendly" special interest buying into the "alligator theory." Please democrat legislators don’t eat me, but eat the others first.

But it was nice when Joe Dunn, now the newly minted Executive Vice President for the CMA briefed the Directors of the Los Angeles County Medical Assn. Dunn declared Arnold’s Health Plan is presently DOA last week.

First, contrary to what we heard about Speaker Nunez, Dunn says there are few legislators willing to "sponsor" the bill. And, Arnold has re-discovered how to get a whole lot a people across the spectrum mad at him at once. Arnold needlessly took on the public safety [cops] community which gave him hell over pension reform [ an idea he quickly abandoned…but the damage as done in the 2005 Initiatives].

Secondly, Arnold’s biggest prior booster the state Chamber is a rare display of fortitude loudly screamed against the employer mandate. The Hospital Association is ready to fight the 4% tax, the leftist California Nurses Assn are opposed. Blue… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold’s Health Care Plan in the Crosshairs – His “plan” Empowers the Government at the Expense of the Patient…

Governor Schwarzenegger’s health-care plan/debacle is raising a lot of concern from free-market oriented groups all around the country. Today’s major column from noted Wall Street Journal editorial writer John Fund, a native Californian, is required reading for anyone following the politics of the Governor’s proposal. Fund not only takes to task the Governor’s healthcare proposal, but really lays him out for having the audacity to call the billions of dollars in tax increase within it "fees" — it belies all credibility.

But if that isn’t enough, in today’s issue of National Review on line, there are not one, not two, but three columns blasting the Governor’s proposal as an embrace of liberalism and as an embrace of big government.

Today’s Golden Pen comes from the San Diego Union Tribune, which rightly points out that the Schwarzenegger Administration should be making plans now to deal with the massive impact of having to properly account of unfunded pension liabilities. There is no doubt that this will create massive red ink for the state, and we should be factoring this into the state’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Health Care Plan in the Crosshairs – His “plan” Empowers the Government at the Expense of the Patient…

Governor Schwarzenegger’s health-care plan/debacle is raising a lot of concern from free-market oriented groups all around the country. Today’s major column from noted Wall Street Journal editorial writer John Fund, a native Californian, is required reading for anyone following the politics of the Governor’s proposal. Fund not only takes to task the Governor’s healthcare proposal, but really lays him out for having the audacity to call the billions of dollars in tax increase within it "fees" — it belies all credibility.

But if that isn’t enough, in today’s issue of National Review on line, there are not one, not two, but three columns blasting the Governor’s proposal as an embrace of liberalism and as an embrace of big government.

Today’s Golden Pen comes from the San Diego Union Tribune, which rightly points out that the Schwarzenegger Administration should be making plans now to deal with the massive impact of having to properly account of unfunded pension liabilities. There is no doubt that this will create massive red ink for the state, and we should be factoring this into the state’s… Read More