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Matthew J. Cunningham

Candidate Field Taking Shape in 71st Assembly District

Assemblyman Todd Spitzer is termed out in 2008 and by all accounts will run for OC District Attorney.

Phil Paule posts about the field of potential candidates over at Red County/Riverside.

You can also catch a funny post there by Jeff Greene — chief of staff to Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries — about his retaliatory strike against Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez for misspelling Jeffries name.… Read More

Mike Spence

There Ought To Be A Law. Spence’s picks.

Today is the deadline for our esteemed legislators to submit bills. I finally found my thinking cap and put it on and came up with some bills that should be introduced. They probably won’t be, but I welcome your suggestions. Here two of my picks.

First bill: It should be illegal to impersonate an illegal alien and gain state benefits. I’m sure that some poor US citizen in Arizona may want a tuition break at California schools or someone may want access to health care illegals get. It has to be stopped! these US citizens are feeding off tax dollars meant for hard working illegal aliens.

Second Bill. There should be a 48-hour waiting period before someone can buy pornography at an adult bookstore. This will allow the owners to do a background check to insure that no registered sex offender has access to these types of material. Just like guns there should be some type of “cooling off” period.

There were other options like laws banning spanking, letting men marry men,eliminating all transfat and raising taxesfora socialistichealth care system,but apparently those aren’t jokes.

Any other suggestions?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Sacramento Bee – Will they lead the way towards pay-to-read political coverage on the net?

If you can hear the thunder in the background, it is the sound of the Sacramento Bee attempting to change the current paradigm of how major newspapers deal with politics and the internet.

The Bee was on the front end of internet blogging, providing a forum and support for columnist Dan Weintraub as he attempted to pull together the first real blog on California politics with no road map to follow. From our end of things, how would it look? How often would he write? What would be the kinds of things he would write about? From the ‘back side’ — how do you integrate the real-time efforts of a blog with the idea that editors like to review what goes up on the website? Anyways, Dan plowed through all of the challenges, and the Sacramento Bee lead what has been large cadre of journalists who now blog for their newspapers, radio stations, and even some television stations.

Now, of course, with trends showing that all print newspapers are declining in circulation as more and more readers look to the internet to get their news (blogs, podcasts, websites and more) — the Sacramento Bee is now looking to see how they can make their… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Sacramento Bee – Will they lead the way towards pay-to-read political coverage on the net?

If you can hear the thunder in the background, it is the sound of the Sacramento Bee attempting to change the current paradigm of how major newspapers deal with politics and the internet.

The Bee was on the front end of internet blogging, providing a forum and support for columnist Dan Weintraub as he attempted to pull together the first real blog on California politics with no road map to follow. From our end of things, how would it look? How often would he write? What would be the kinds of things he would write about? From the ‘back side’ — how do you integrate the real-time efforts of a blog with the idea that editors like to review what goes up on the website? Anyways, Dan plowed through all of the challenges, and the Sacramento Bee lead what has been large cadre of journalists who now blog for their newspapers, radio stations, and even some television stations.

Now, of course, with trends showing that all print newspapers are declining in circulation as more and more readers look to the internet to get their news (blogs, podcasts, websites and more) — the Sacramento Bee is now looking to see how they can make their… Read More

Shawn Steel

GOP registrations for hourly fun

The California Republican Party, in conjunction with the Governor’s campaign embarked on a bold experimental Registration campaign in 2006.

All professional vendors were paid $13.00 an hour whether they produced or not. This effort was led by a Nathan Sproul of Arizona with his dba California Grass Roots Mobilization.Sproulwas paid over $2,100,000 last year.

This bold initiative was designed for threereasons: a ] to go to places where GOPers generally don’t , such as San Francisco. [ Sproul’s team never made it there ] and make it worthwhile to go door to door ,b] to avoid the nasty publicity two criminal investigations in San Bernardino and Orange County DA’s were conduction against fraudulent registrations, and c ] a new state law required, adding a considerableburden, that all registrations contain either a social security number or a driver license number. Who knew? . At $13,00 a hour how could this not work.

The Governor’s people, from the Bush 2004 campaign, insisted on the services of Mr. Sproul.

Sproul’s method of hiring was no different than anyone else in the registration business.… Read More

Mike Spence

Team Effort and County Chair Election

Kudos to FlashReport for bringing attention to the race for CCA. One of the interesting dynamics in race like this are slates. Candidates put together slates to help show a qualified group of leaders and to get votes.

I know Linda Boyd has a a pretty impressive slate that includes as candidates:

CCA First Vice President, San Mateo County Chairman Karen King (like Linda a 3 time County Chair}

CCA Second Vice-President, Del Norte County Chairman Scott Feller (added GOP Voter Reg in his county)

CCA Treasurer,Ventura County Chairman Mike Osborn. (Mike ran one of my favorite PACs. ABATE. I loved it when they showed up in their Biker gear to work precincts.)

CCA Assistant Treasurer, Tulare County Chair Laura Gadke for CCA Assistant Treasurer. (Another competent County Chair)

CCA Secretary, Inyo County Chairman Thaddeus Taylor. (There should be a monument erected in Inyo county for the work he has done over the last 25 years)

It will be interesting to see how this race plays out and the role of slates. (Full Disclosure CRA has endorsed Linda Boyd) I haven’t found anybody that knows who is on Keen’s slate. If anybody… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Soderlund departs Team Arnold for Team Wilson-Miller

Just a few minutes ago, I got off of the phone with a very excited Julie Soderlund. Those in the media, and anyone who followed the Gubernatorial Campaign of Arnold Schwarzenegger know that Julie (pictured to the right) served as the Governor’s Press Secretary for his re-election effort. In that capacity, I got to deal with Julie quite a bit. I can assure all FR readers that she is a really great communicator, and a consumate professional. Julie was sharing the news that she has decided to take the leap into the private sector, becoming the managing director of Wilson-Miller Communications. The "Wilson" is Marty Wilson, who is a chief political advisor and fundraising coordinator for Governor Schwarzenegger (he played a similar role with former Governor Pete Wilson), and the "Miller" is Beth Miller, whom I have know for many years, and who has a long history of working for GOP candidates and causus.… Read More

Bono Signs on for Giuliani

Rudy’s First Congressional Endorsement — Mary Bono

Rep. Mary Bono (R-CA)becomes the first member of Congress outside New York State to formally endorse ex-NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani.

He will be in the Coachella Valley next week for a fundraiser.Read More