How did the CRP end up in debt? The Membership Deserves A Report.
Yesterday, California Republican Party Chairman Duf Sundheim sent out an e-mail , presumably to CRP Members, where he addressed the issue of the CRP’s debt, and specifically assured Party Members that there was a plan in place to retire this debt in the next few months. Based on what I have heard, the CRP ended the election with somewhere between $4.5 and $5 million in debt — $3 million being a loan taken out and the rest being various expenditures in the final weeks of the campaign that, when the dust cleared, exceeded what was in the bank. To be honest, my primary concern here is not the debt itself. It is actually fairly common for political parties and campaign committees to incur debt — albeit this is a very large one. I am more concerned about the process. Specifically, how we got into debt. Questions in my mind include who authorized the debt, and who knew we were spending funds beyond what was readily available to pay the bills. For example, a big piece of this debt is what I have heard is a $3 million dollar loan that was taken out by the… Read More