Meeting Democratic Presidential Candidates on a Budget
California Democratic activists should start bargain shopping.
Activists are outraged that they have to pay upwards of $2,300 for “access” (a 3 second photo op) to Senators Clinton and Obama when they come into California, yet everyone who warms a diner stool in Iowa gets 20 minutes of the candidates’ undivided attention for free. It’s outrageous!
So, Democratic activists…I’m here to help. I went on a popular travel website today, and you can get a roundtrip ticket and 2 nights hotel in Des Moines for $682. Throw in the cost of a slice of pie and cup o’ Joe at the local diner, and you can meet your candidates for about seven hundred bucks. AND…you’ll be helping put money in the pockets of minimum wage workers in America’s heartland. That’s a lot to feel good about!
I say, forget the smarmy California fundraisers that take your money and spend it in other states. Give your money to the waitress at Harvey’s diner, and make your candidates spend some quality time with you!… Read More