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Richard Rider

Another VERY high paying company leaving California

California is losing another high paying firm to a tax-free state. This company is so rich that it pays EVERYONE who wears its corporate uniform AT LEAST a big six figure income. Some get 7 or 8 figure annual incomes.

That departing company is (currently) known as the Oakland Raiders. Soon to be known as the Las Vegas Raiders. Or perhaps the Nevada Raiders.

Are taxes the only factor? Nope. But a zero percent state income tax will make recruiting high quality free agents much easier for the Raiders than the current “enticement” of paying a 13.3% California state income tax — a tax that in essence will become a permanent tax after the November election. Moreover, rich young men would doubtless prefer to be in glitzy Las Vegas than in decaying Oakland.

And let us not forget the 0% Nevada CORPORATE state income tax. The CA corporate income tax is 8.8% —… Read More

Edward Ring

How Unionized Government Enables the Iron Law of Oligarchy

Political Parties,” published by the German political theorist Roberto Michels in 1911, is a relatively obscure book. But in this book, Michels offers a concept that has increasing relevance today, the “Iron Law of Oligarchy.” This law is summed up reasonably well in its Wikipedia entry:

“According to Michels all organizations eventually come to be run by a ‘leadership class’, who often function as paid administrators, executives, spokespersons, political strategists, organizers, etc. for the organization. Far from being ‘servants of the masses’, Michels argues this ‘leadership class,’ rather than the organization’s membership, will inevitably grow to dominate the organization’s power structures. By controlling who has access to information, those in power can centralize their power successfully, often with little accountability, due to the apathy, indifference and non-participation most rank-and-file members have in relation to their organization’s decision-making processes. Michels argues that democraticRead More

Jon Coupal


As any reader of this column knows, voters will be confronted come election day with billions and billions of new tax hikes and bond measures (which, of course, result in their own tax hikes). But let’s not forget that there is another reason for taxpayer to experience a heightened sense of anxiety over the next few weeks.

For many the real scare this time of year is not the monsters at our doors on Halloween but the property tax bill in the mail box. But, while the “tax and spend” lobby increases its influence in Sacramento, homeowners have still been able to count on Proposition 13 for some degree of protection. Because Proposition 13 limits increases in a property’s assessed value to two percent annually, most property owners have a good idea what their tax bill will be even before opening the envelope. But homeowners still need to examine carefully their property tax bill because mistakes can happen.

Taxpayers should understand the various charges and make certain that they are not being assessed for more than they are legally obligated to pay. The best way to check a tax bill is to have your previous year’s bill handy for… Read More

Ray Haynes


A police officer in Lancaster was executed this last week. By all accounts, he helped his community in many different ways, not only by keeping it safe for 29 years, but also for helping it on a volunteer level in a number of community events. His family and his community lost a great man. He was about a year away from retiring, and he was killed in cold blood. It didn’t have to happen.

According to the information made public thus far, this police officer’s killer was an evil man. Leave aside the fact that, after having been stopped during a burglary, the criminal was able to shoot the officer, that criminal didn’t just leave to escape. The criminal stood over the cop and put four more bullets into the officer, execution style. It was a heinous killing, not just because of the victim, but also because of the cold blooded and evil methods used to “finish off” the officer. It didn’t have to happen.

According to the press and police reports, the killer had been outside the law since he reached adulthood. He had been to state prison twice, violated his parole six times, and yet he remained free. He was let go and listed… Read More

Katy Grimes

Gov. Jerry Brown and Democrats Undermining Law and Order, Dismantling California

California’s capital city of Sacramento has a big problem: violent criminals are terrorizing Asian immigrants. City officials pride themselves on tolerance and diversity,but have responded with little more than political appeasement, leaving Asian communities afraid and vulnerable, and forcing them to take matters into their own hands.

A recent report in the… Read More

Tom Scott

Reality Check: Which legislators are failing small business?

It’s easy to be a politician and claim to be a friend of small business. However, the annual NFIB Voting Record separates political rhetoric from reality. Each year, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)/California walks the halls of the State Capitol urging legislators to support small business in California. We know that the health of the California economy depends very much on the health of California’s small businesses.

We also know there is a critical… Read More

Jon Coupal

Prop 13 Report from Legislative Analyst Elicits Mixed Reactions

Two weeks ago, the California Legislative Analyst released a report entitled “Common Claims About Proposition 13.” On balance, the report was a (mostly) objective view about California’s landmark property tax reduction measure.

As the title of the report implies, there are many claims about Prop 13, what it does and what it doesn’t do. In fact, we at Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association have collected a lengthy list of “myths” about Prop 13 that are deeply ensconced in urban legend. For example, the monolithic education bureaucracy repeatedly claims that Prop 13 starved public education in California. But the fact is that we now spend 30% more on a per student, inflation adjusted basis than we did just prior to Prop 13’s passage – a time in which there is broad consensus that education in California was the best in the nation. Whatever it is that caused the decline in the quality of public education, it certainly hasn’t been the lack of revenue.

The release of the LAO report instigated a great deal of reaction, ranging from cheers to jeers depending on one’s pre-conceived opinions about Prop 13. Every interest group, it seems,… Read More

Edward Ring

For Nov. 8th: $32B in Local Borrowing, $2.9B in Local Tax Increases

New local taxes and new local borrowing are a regular phenomenon in California elections, but this year our government union controlled politicians have outdone themselves. Let’s compare:

November 2014– $11 billion in new borrowing proposed via 118 local bond measures, 81% passed. Of the 117 local proposals for new taxes, 68% passed.

June 2016–$6.2 billion in new borrowing proposed via 48 local bond measures, an estimated 93% passed. Of the 42 local proposals for new taxes, an estimated 66% passed.

November 2016 – $32.2 billion in new borrowing via 193 local bond measures, and 224 local proposals for new taxes!

Not only do these general and primary and special election tax and bond measures accumulate year after year, but they nearly always pass! The primary source for this information is theCalifornia Tax Foundation, who have just produced another excellent guide “… Read More

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