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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Giuliani – VIDEO – Will Speak to CA Republicans: Where will he stand on our #1 issue of concern – illegal immigration?

I’m writing this from the Hyatt Hotel across the street from the California State Capitol here in Sacramento. Tomorrow, America’s Mayor will be visiting this hotel to keynote the California Republican State Convention.

Mayor Giuliani, as we all know, has all but announced his intention to throw his hat in the ring for the 2008 presidential election. If California moves up its primary (which is all but certain at this point), the Mayor could be a huge beneficiary – most polls show him leading the pack. His California organization is being put together by his friend, and former California GOP Gubernatorial nomineee Bill Simon, Jr. We’ll be writing more about Simon’s efforts as we look at the California-specific efforts of all of the major GOP candidates…

It is interesting to note that Mayor Giuliani holds leads in several early primary states where the Republican electorate is comprised of social conservatives (Iowa and South Carolina). It’s surprising because of the Mayor’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

It anyone can take down Jerry Brown, it’s Mike Schroeder

Good morning from Sacramento. As you may know, I am at the Sacramento Hyatt running for Vice-Chairman South of the California Republican Party (CRP). The voting will take place on Saturday morning and I am confident that with the help of my volunteers and the overwhelming support from GOP leadership, I will have positive results. Before Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks on Friday night, I am recommending all convention goers travel a few blocks to catch the hearing which will be held at 1:30 p.m., in Department 11 of Sacramento Superior Court, before the Honorable Gail D. Ohanesian. The Gordon D. Schaber Downtown Courthouse is located on 720 Ninth Street in Sacramento.

This hearing involves a lawsuit challenging the qualifications of Attorney General Jerry Brown. The Plaintiff will be represented by former CRP Chairman Michael Schroeder, who will argue that Jerry Brown is the only Attorney General candidate in California history to not have been an attorney on active status for five consecutive years and therefore unqualified for the position as mandated by law. Jerry Brown was on inactive status from 1997 to 2003, a few months before… Read More

Brandon Powers

How to Give A Seat Back to the Democrats: Step 1

With aRepublican win in Tuesday’s OC Supe Contest, years worth of efforts from the Orange County Republican establishment paid their first big dividend: a Republican in the only seat the Democrats really have a reasonable shot at ever holding.

Millions of dollars and countless thousands of hours had been invested in registering new Republican voters, in signing up Permanent Absentee Voters, and in making what was once s solid Democrat seat, competitive again.

We’ve now hadanother day to absorb Trung Nguyen’s victory, and to come to the realization that there is a near statistical impossibility of Janet finding 8 votes to change the election outcome. Lots of attention is now turning to “the next step,” that being actually keeping the seat when it comes up in two years.

Surely, no split field will exist this time: it will be the epicenter of probably the most expensive Supervisor’s race in Orange County history. Another Vietnamese face to compliment Assemblyman Van Tran can only do great things for the Republican Party in Central County.

But wait. Not so fast.

Word spreading is that runner-up Janet Nguyen isn’t merely… Read More

Mike Spence

CRP Spends Money AGAINST CRP Members

The CRP maynot have a bounty program, they may be in $4.6 million of debt, but they have a little cash and staff time to turn on it’s own members.

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore has a proposal to change the way delegates are selected.

Today a letter arrived from Duf Sundheim, Ron Nehring and Tim Morgan opposing the change. Who paid for this mailing??? No doubt the CRP. As well an offical email and press release from CRP staff attacked the proposal.

Sundheim and company have every right to have their opinion. They should not be allowed to use CRP dollars to influence the decision. Of course this party has paid consultants from party coffers to run "proxy" drills to bottle up items they don’t like.

The CRP leaders worry about disunity and then shamelessly abuse CRP dollars to attack a members proposal. Let the members decide and the leaders implement.

Regardless of your view can’t we at least agree that CRP resources should not be spent attacking member proposals?

Devore’s Email follows:

Dear CRP Member,

By nowRead More

Jon Fleischman

Sanchez and Newsom Got Roasted On Colbert Last Night

Be sure to check out The Colbert Report’s segment on the Sanchez-Baca "Whore"-gate controversy, titled "CALIFORNIA VALUES WATCH". Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is Paris (Hilton). Her sister, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, is Nikki (Hilton). Congressman Joe Baca is Nicole Richie. And Speaker Nunez is Lindsay Lohan!

Get theKleenex out ’cause this clip is hilarious!

Following that, is another tear jerking clip on Newsom’s affair with his campaign manager’s wife, titled "SAN FRANCISCO TREAT", or should we say… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My SWA Flight to Sacramento

One of my axioms is that you can never fly to or from Sacramento without running into fellow political hack types. My flight to the Capitol City this morning was no exception. I’m flying up for the CRP Convention, and so I left from John Wayne Airport in Orange County.

Notable flying companions included Marty Wilson, the Governor’s main finance man; Helen Seliverstov of Meridian Pacific (the uber-consulting firm of Tom Ross, John Peschong, Matt Rexroad); political fundraiser Jo Ann Davis; and lobbyist Sean Fitzgerald.

Because the convention doesn’t start until tomorrow, this is a rather lite list of GOP flying companions. My return flight on Sunday will be packed with Republican activists!… Read More

Mike Spence

Did CRP Pay “Volunteers” $120 Per Hour?

The following is from BOE member Bill Leonard. So don’t look for many answers from the CRP honchos.

***Did CRP Pay “Volunteers” $120 Per Hour?***

In recent issues I have discussed the need for a detailed audit of the California Republican Party’s spending for the November election. There remain far more questions than answers, despite numerous calls for a full accounting. The party’s efforts to register new voters may provide the best example. For decades, the CRP paid Republican volunteer organizations a bounty of up to $3 for each newly registered Republicans voter. Despite problems here and there, this was very effective– both in numbers of voters registered and as a means of funding local Republican organizations. In accordance with state law, Republican volunteers also registered voters from other parties. Last fall, though, the CRP abandoned this successful volunteer-based program in favor of hiring vendors directly.

These paid vendors allegedly focused on registering voters in just 13 of California’s 58 counties. They wereRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Run, Brad, Run!

Mitzelfelt Should Announce for San Bernardino Supe Re-Elect…Soon As has been reported in these pages, San Bernardino County’s newest Supervisor, Brad Mitzelfelt, was appointed a month ago by his colleagues to serve the remaining months of the term of popular departing incumbent Bill Postmus. FR Friend Postmus was elected to serve as Assessor and he enjoyed seeing his former chief-of-staff take over his seat. Of course Mitzelfelt, a former FlashReport Correspondent, has a distinguished career in public service, which includes a stint as a gubernatorial appointee to his county’s Fair Board and as Chairman of the Victor Valley Transit Authority. In fact, Mitzlefelt’s keen understanding of local government has helped him get off to a tremendous start in his new role as a supervisor. He has already outlined a broad policy agenda that charts a course of improving public safety,… Read More