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Jill Buck

Good Luck This Morning, Boss!

Here is our fearless Flasher, pictured last night with Assemblyman Paul Cook! While Col. Cook and I talked Iraq over a rack of lamb (I’m not kidding… Iraq over ‘a rack’)…Jon came up and made walking billboards of the whole group who enthusiastically support him for Vice Chair South.

Cast your vote at 9 am today!… Read More

Tab Berg

A Case FOR Partisanship

I thought the following commentary/editorial from David Sander was a fitting tribute for the convention. It’s written by David Sander, a local GOP Mayor who’s putting Republican principles to work every day, in the real world of government.

A case FOR partisanship, not “post-partisanship” David Sander, Mayor of Rancho Cordova

As a local Mayor, my job is considered “non-partisan”. But, I don’t think there is such a thing as “non-partisan. In fact, I don’t get they get the idea of “post-partisanship” – to me it’s just a bunch of feel-good hooey.

Partisanship is a good thing.

Political Parties are not social clubs. At least they are not supposed to be. Parties are supposed to be about shared ideas and values – they are supposed to believe in something.

Partisanship means that each party has its own ideas and values – and sometimes those ideas and values conflict. It’s not a bad thing.

Post-partisanship is a washed out, bland amalgam of ideas pleasing everyone and standing for nothing.

Being a member of a political party is an act of commission to those values and… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

The Trojan Horse for Term Limit Extensions…a “Hidden” Special Election

Update: The bill, SB 113, to cause in Californiaa $90 million early Presidential-only primary [and alsoas the ‘special election’ vehicle to extend term limits for legislators]moved this week through the Senate Elections Committee 3-0, with no Republican votes. There is much discussion about moving, again, the California primary for President to an "early" date in February to make California a stronger player. You’ve alsobeen hearing about the "need" to extend term limits and the true need to redistrict legislative seats using a fair method of drawing district lines for reapportionment. Although they are unrelated, they get tied together in numerous conversations amongst legislators and to the press. Tying all these issues together as is being done here is manipulative and wrong. This effort is really all about extending terms for legislators.

Having torpedoed Prop 77’s method of drawing fair districts with non-politicians, Democrat leaders [torpedo launchers] promisedto fix redistricting.More than afull… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Tom Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman

When the campaign for the California Republican Party Vice Chairmanship began, I was honored to lend my support to the candidacy of my dear friend and fellow GOP activist, Jalene Forbis. You must know that when she decided to withdraw from the campaign for vice chairman, she immediately threw her support to former State Assemblyman Tom Bordonaro-a man of accomplishment, great reputation and conservative values. I’ve known Tom for nearly six years and of his reputation as a standard bearer for our party for much longer, including his time in the Assembly and his valiant efforts to run for, and very nearly win, that coastal Congressional seat for our side.

The reasons I have joined Jalene in supporting Tom Bordonaro for Vice Chairman are many, but most important among them is that he has demonstrated the highest degree of character and sound judgment throught out his public life. I believe our state party deserves to have such a leader as vice chairman as we enter this critical presidential cycle.

Tom Bordonaro can be trusted to use all of his boundless energy and experience to support the successful development of our grassroots infrastructure… Read More

Mike Spence

CRP Secrecy Breeds Disunity

On the executive conference call last Wed. I tried frantically to get the various phones in my house to work the code so I could ask a question. They never worked. But, it didn’t matter. The spin machine of the CRP is in full gear. One of the interesting things mentioned by Chairman Sundheim was that donors don’t like the disunity caused by blogs and emails talking about the CRP etc..

I doubt they like a party in debt without accountabilty either. But, for sake of theargument how do we acheive unity?

If it was truly important to the party, we would have an audit. We would ask all 1600 memebrs of the state party to come to a meeting and explain what happened. This is how we spent the money, these are things in place so it doesn’t happen again etc… In other words The CRP be open with us about what is going on. Communication.

What the CRP members get is stonewalling, half-truths and excuses.

May the new CRP leadership be open and honest with the membership.… Read More

Vote for Jon Fleishman Saturday Morning 9:00 AM

I’m supporting Jon because he has brought to Republicans a forum of communication and outreach that we were not taking advantage of before he grew the Flashreport from a very well filtered conservative news headine service into what we have today. And the great thing is, he beat the Democrats to it. Their CA Majority Report was hastily created in response to the Flashreport.New ideas move organizations forward.

Jon also has the credentials: as former Executive Director of the CRP,he hasalready run the staff operations in the CRP.Matter of fact, he was the ED of the Party the last time we had a Presidential election for an open White House (’00). He’s been on legislative staffs, college republicans, run campaigns and and has numerous other activist credentials. Jon is well skilled in communications andhe knows just about everybody in the state.

Jon recently got married, sohe now has a soulmate to keep him from jumping off into every political crevasse (ok, maybe not!).

Lastly, Jon knows what it means to be a friend. A couple of times, the Nestande’s have gotten an unsolicitedphone call or email saying,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New Survey; Californians Support a 2008 Statewide Measure to Curb Eminent Domain Abuse

The California Alliance to Protect Private Private Property rights is an outstanding organization that was founded with the idea that decisions like the Supreme Court made in their 2005 Kelo vs. New London decision where wrong, and that the private property rights of Americans are quickly eroding. I can’t say it any better than the Alliance’s President, Marko Mlikotin, who says, “Californians feel it is wrong for government to profit by seizing private property from unwilling sellers, only to use the property for projects that benefit the wealthy and politically connected." Obviously we were all saddenned when Proposition 90, the Save Our Homes ballot measure, was narrowly defeated last November (a FR ‘shout out’ again to Assemblywoman Mimi Walters for her heroic efforts on behalf of qualifying and campaigning for that ballot initiative). But now there is some great news to report as we go forward… Public Opinion Strategies (POS) is one of the most respected public research firms in America, and their California point man, Steve Kinney, has a decades-long track… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani – VIDEO – Will Speak to CA Republicans: Where will he stand on our #1 issue of concern – illegal immigration?

I’m writing this from the Hyatt Hotel across the street from the California State Capitol here in Sacramento. Tomorrow, America’s Mayor will be visiting this hotel to keynote the California Republican State Convention.

Mayor Giuliani, as we all know, has all but announced his intention to throw his hat in the ring for the 2008 presidential election. If California moves up its primary (which is all but certain at this point), the Mayor could be a huge beneficiary – most polls show him leading the pack. His California organization is being put together by his friend, and former California GOP Gubernatorial nomineee Bill Simon, Jr. We’ll be writing more about Simon’s efforts as we look at the California-specific efforts of all of the major GOP candidates…

It is interesting to note that Mayor Giuliani holds leads in several early primary states where the Republican electorate is comprised of social conservatives (Iowa and South Carolina). It’s surprising because of the Mayor’s… Read More