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Carl Fogliani

San Joaquin Board of Supes Continues Rightward Shift

San Joaquin County’s continued trend of moving steadily into the Republican column is highlighted by viewing the makeup of the current Board’s Republican majority and a quick look at the future.

Supervisor Leroy Ornellas defeated a corrupt democrat incumbent in his first race and has solidified his position on the board. Supervisor Ken Vogel is the former Executive Director of the San Joaquin GOP and longtime school board member who kept the seat of Jack Sieglock in the Republican column after his win in November. The linchpin of the new majority has been newly elected Supervisor Larry Ruhstaller. Ruhstaller claimed the open seat of the dreadful (and term-limited) democrat Dario Marenco and made it all the sweeter by defeating Sen. Mike Machado’s District Director Anne Baird.

The future looks even better with a strong Republican seat represented by Democrat Supervisor Victor Mow coming open due to term limits and a strong bench to take his place to add to the majority on the board. There is now even talk of being able to make a play to claim the solidly democrat seat of extreme liberal Supervisor Steve Gutierrez who is also term… Read More

Carl Fogliani

New San Joaquin GOP Chair Off to Strong Start

Tonight I attended the monthly meeting of the San Joaquin County Republican Central Committee. The atmosphere in the room is a marked change from the last few years and is directly attributable to the new Chairman Dale Fritchen.

Fritchen, a local school board member, has been able to be a bridge builder and has been going about the hard work of rebuilding the committee’s infrastructure and finances.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on Mayor Newsom’s Affair

Winsome Newsom

San Francisco’s politics have always been a colorful soap opera, but never more so than now with the city’s 39-year-old mayor, Gavin Newsom, having admitted that he conducted an affair with the wife of his own campaign manager — who has since resigned in disgust.

Many people are distressed by the mayor’s behavior, although there is no indication he will resign from office or not seek a second term this November. But hard-bitten Democratic operatives say the scandal has probably ended Mr. Newsom’s hopes of higher office. "What happens in San Francisco tends to mean politicians there stay in San Francisco," is how one of them puts it.

Indeed, Democratic leaders aren’t nearly as upset by Mayor Newsom’s affair as they were last September when the new divorcee was seen squiring about a… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

An Appeal For Declining Productivity

I was reading the SF Chron story on the Arnold tapes and this passage caught my eye:

A spokeswoman for Perata said the comments made in the tapes will not affect cordial relations and productive legislative action accomplished by the governor and the Senate leader.

"There’s nothing in those tapes that will prevent this year from being as productive as last year," said Alicia Trost.

That’s a real shame.

For a brief, shining moment, I hoped these examples of Gov. Schwarzenegger actually being authentic might throw a monkey wrench into the Schwarzeneggerian-Democratic "post-partisan" partnership to expand state government at the expense of Californians’ liberty and wealth.

After all, it’s no mystery what DemocratsRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: TapeGate II — And the Folsom Prison Blues

FR friend Adam Mendelsohn had to work a lot over the weekend, as Phil Angelides and/or his operatives have released more of their secret cache of audio recordings of Governor Schwarzenegger with his speechwriters, that were famously extracted from the Governor’s computer system by crafty though questionable techniques. Of course Cathy Calfo, who managed Angelides’ losing bid, denies they released the tapes (again). Riiiight. The Governor’s office released the following statement from Mendelsohn:

"In what can only be called reprehensible and shameful, those associated with the Phil Angelides campaign have leaked the private conversations of Governor Schwarzenegger to the media again. This type of behavior is exactly why people have such a low opinion of politicians.

"There are over three hours of private tapes. They show a Governor who is thoughtful, concerned and focused on solving some of California’s most serious problems. Governor Schwarzenegger discusses his hope ofRead More

Jon Fleischman

TapeGate II — And the Folsom Prison Blues

FR friend Adam Mendelsohn had to work a lot over the weekend, as Phil Angelides and/or his operatives have released more of their secret cache of audio recordings of Governor Schwarzenegger with his speechwriters, that were famously extracted from the Governor’s computer system by crafty though questionable techniques. Of course Cathy Calfo, who managed Angelides’ losing bid, denies they released the tapes (again). Riiiight. The Governor’s office released the following statement from Mendelsohn:

"In what can only be called reprehensible and shameful, those associated with the Phil Angelides campaign have leaked the private conversations of Governor Schwarzenegger to the media again. This type of behavior is exactly why people have such a low opinion of politicians. "There are over three hours of private tapes. They show a Governor who is thoughtful, concerned and focused onRead More

Mike Spence

CRP Debt: Show Me The Infrastructure!

The CRP can’t show us the money because of they are over $4.5 million debt. One of the most recent attempts to explain the debt is that the millions spent were an investment in infrastructure. See here. This is not a new approach to things. The CRP did officially support two bond measures last election cycle (and of course supported one without approval). The stories coming out now about how little will be accomplished by the bonds begs the question for the CRP. Where is the infrastructure? I can’t figure it out. The paid staff has been released. The call centers are shut down. A couple County Chairs thought they were going to get some of the scanners etc… Turns out most of the equipment turns out to have been leased. The party claims to have registered around 125,000 voters (At a devastating cost to local programs. … Read More

Ready for Ron Nehring

Ron Nehring e-mailed me Saturdayletting me knowhe was in the desert (Rancho Mirage) and did I want to get together. Ron (pictured to the right) is a friend, one of those friends I never seem to get to spend enough time with, but would like to – you knowthe kind.Anyways, we had some bagels and cold cuts and sat out on the balcony at the Hyatt Grand Champions in 80 degree sunshine and talked for a couple of hours.

I’m enthused to see Ron assending to the Chair of the CRP. And I’m glad he’s doing it unopposed. Tell you why. Competition is usually a good thing and we who work in this business, of course, relish a struggle. But not now. What I believe our party needs at this time is some real campaign oriented, disciplined, goal oriented leadership. The base is deflated – look at the turnout last November. But let me digress for a moment.

We had to support the Governor.And we did.Some… Read More