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Jennifer Nelson

So now Newsom has a drinking problem…

When my husband and I were talking about Mayor Gavin Newsom’s public relations problems the other day, I told him that I would not be surprised if he announced a drinking or drug problem as an excuse for his, as Newsom puts it, “personal lapse of judgment.” Surprise, surprise, the mayor announced yesterday afternoon that he has a drinking problem and will seek counseling through the Delancey Street program.

That should play nicely in San Francisco where Delancey Street is a deservedly popular non-profit program. But unless they’ve radically changed their program in the past few years, Delancey Street is a live-in rehabilitation program for people coming out of prison. They go cold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lynn Daucher tapped to head California Department of Aging

A dual congratulations this afternoon. First we would like to congratulate former Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher for being named by Governor Schwarzenegger to head of the California Department of Aging. "But Jon, What is the Department of Aging," you ask?

Here’s what they tell us: As the designated State Unit on Aging, the California Department of Aging is part of the California Health and Human Services Agency. The Department administers Older Americans Act programs for supportive services, in-home services, congregate and home-delivered meals and a system of multipurpose senior centers. It also administers the program for community service employment; programs for advocacy and protection; and programs which provide health insurance counseling, case management, Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Center and Adult Day Health Care services. Further, itRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Votes on the words about the war

War Resolutions: This week will contain much debate in the Senate, and perhaps some in the House, about the various Iraq war resolutions being offered. There are at least five such resolutions being offered in one house or the other that contain a spectrum of opinions on how the war should be prosecuted from this point forward. Why am I writing to tell you about them before they even come up for a vote? Because none of them will lead to any policy changes, these resolutions do not have the force of law. They are basically an expression of the opinion of Congress. Expressing such an opinion may have some value in countries where their legislative bodies only have the power to make suggestions. But Congress is not powerless relative to the Iraq war. There are at least two votes that will actually dictate policy direction in Iraq, rather than just make a political statement. One of these votes has already occurred. Ten days ago, the United States Senate voted unanimously to confirm General George Petraeus to be the commander of our forces in the Middle East. General Petraeus is basically the architect of the new strategy for and … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nathan Fletcher: The Video!

So you haven’t had a chance to meet Nathan Fletcher in person? Now you can "meet him" by watching this video! Of course, you can find out more about his campaign on his website. Today, Nathan will announce his candidacy for State Assembly in AD 75 (Plescia). … Read More

Jon Fleischman

San Diego YRFC Club endorses Flash

Last night, I had the good fortune to spend a couple of hours with about 30 great GOP activists as I was the speaker to the San Diego Young Republicans! The group met over at the Karl Strauss Brewery in San Diego. I was there to talk about my candidacy for Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party — and to also talk to the group about this website. (For those of you reading this, it was a pleasure to spend time with you yesterday).

The YRFC club in San Diego, under the leadership of their President, Katie Hansen, has really been making a difference for Republican candidates and causes in California’s southern-most county.

I was extremely flattered when, after I spoke, the club members voted to endorse my candidacy! I have been really excited about the level of support that I have garnered from San Diego County. My support from Congressmen Duncan Hunter and Darrell Issa have been really great, and Assemblyman Joel Anderson and FR’s own Barry Jantz have been super. I’ll have one more swing into San Diego County and then off to convention later this week.

In the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: Fletcher to Declare in AD 75

Later today, FR friend Nathan Fletcher will announce his bid to replace termed-out Assemblyman George Plescia in the 75th AD. This is a safe Republican seat that takes in the northern portions of the City of San Diego, Poway, and a portion of Escondido.

Fletcher is a long-time Republican activist and business owner who does more than simply ‘talk the talk’ about patriotism and values…he’s a United States Marine who recently returned from combat tours in Iraq and Northeast Africa. This will work strongly to his advantage in a very military-friendly district, whichlies between the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. AD 75 communities are packed with active duty and retired military members.

I’ve known Nathan for some time, and I canfairly dub him a “Conservative Reagan Republican." Since his return to civilian life, he has not been shy about his disappointment (or disgust) with the lack of ethics and wholly irresponsible fiscal behavior of… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

I Hear That Train A-comin…

Our Folsom Prison Tour went smoothly, they let all us legislators go free…no bus ticket or $200 though. [We did fire up the Johnny Cash CD on the way out] What we in the Assembly Republican Caucus were hoping to accomplish was the first hand viewing of the overcrowding that will soon cause a Federal judge, in June or so to take over the system due to overcrowding. When you watch how the current prison system Special Master is running through our state Treasury, you should be scared for your wallet.

Our other goal of this visit was to spotlight this situation and underscore just how dire is the need to build prison space. Early release for these characters we saw in there isn’t going to cut it…maybe it does in Democrat districts, where their legislators seem comfortable with that idea, as they run out the clock towards the June deadline the Fed Courts have set, with little action taken. More later….. [See the FR Read More

Barry Jantz

Fletcher to Declare in AD 75

Later today, FR friend Nathan Fletcher will announce his bid to replace termed-out Assemblyman George Plescia in the 75th AD. This is a safe Republican seat that takes in the northern portions of the City of San Diego, Poway, and a portion of Escondido.

Fletcher is a long-time Republican activist and business owner who does more than simply ‘talk the talk’ about patriotism and values…he’s a United States Marine who recently returned from combat tours in Iraq and Northeast Africa. This will work strongly to his advantage in a very military-friendly district, whichlies between the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. AD 75 communities are packed with active duty and retired military members.

I’ve known Nathan for some time, and I canfairly dub him a “Conservative Reagan Republican." Since his return to civilian life, he has not been shy about his disappointment (or disgust) with the lack of ethics and wholly irresponsible fiscal behavior of… Read More