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Mike Spence

Dreier Announces for Rudy

Giuliani is doing well with LA folks. First the Supervisors, now Congressman David Dreier.

The release follows

Congressman David Dreier Announces Support for Mayor Giuliani

New York, Feb 13 –

In a sign of continuing momentum, the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Exploratory Committee today announced Congressman David Dreier, Chairman of the California Republican Congressional Delegation and House Rules Committee Ranking Republican, has announced his support for Mayor Rudy Giuliani to be the next President of the United States. Dreier’s endorsement follows the rousing reception Mayor Giuliani received at the California State Republican Convention and his successful swing through the state. Dreier will help lead Mayor Giuliani’s exploratory committee efforts in California.

Congressman Dreier said, "America needs the proven leadership of Rudy Giuliani to tackleRead More

Jon Fleischman

Fletcher grabs Plescia’s endorsement to replace him in the Assembly

It would be the goal of any aspiring member of the State Legislature to have an unobstructed primary in a safe seat, right? Of course. FR friend Nathan Fletcher may be well on his way to this lofty goal in his super-charged candidacy for Assembly in San Diego County’s 75th District. Fletcher already had just about everything going his way already, but today he put the cherry on the sundae with his announcement that the popular termed-out incumbent, former Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia, has endorsed him.

Game… Set… And well on his way to match..… Read More

Mike Spence

LA County GOP Supervisors Go with Giuliani for President

Los Angeles County has two GOP County Supervisors. One is moderate Don Knabe, the other is conservative, Mike Antonovich. They have both decided to go with the Rudy Giuliani for President campaign. They are both part of an upcoming fundraiser. This is a nice catch for the Rudy folks.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Mike Vallante Is Leaving CA GOP For Giuliani Campaign

11 days ago, I posted that Mike Vallante, the chief operating officer of the California Republican Party, would be leaving to join the Rudy Giuliani for President campaign. The "rumor" was labeled as untrue.

Today, according to my sources, Vallante told the CRP staff he would be leaving to join the Rudy Giuliani for President campaign.

I’m shocked!… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Border Agents, the War, and Pelosi One

Border Patrol Agents: My office gets many calls about what action are being taken in Congress to secure the pardon or relocation of the two border patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. They were convicted last year and sentenced to 11 and 12 years in jail for acts they committed while shooting a drug smuggling illegal alien. This case has become symbolic of our twisted immigration enforcement system, which allows thousands of illegal alien felons to roam our streets and millions of other aliens to be here illegally while enforcement agents have the proverbial book thrown at them for "violations of policy" while trying to apprehend one of those felons. Pardons are being sought, but at the very least the sentence received is way out of proportion to any crime committed. Here is a list of the actions I have been taking to help resolve this miscarriage of justice: •September 14, 2006 – Along with 22 colleagues, I sent a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales requesting that he investigate the questionable tactics used to prosecute Agents Ramos and Compean. •December 1, 2006 – Along with 15 colleagues,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tom DeLay can blame some of Pombo’s loss… On Tom DeLay

Over at the new Inside the Beltway newspaper Politico’s website, former House Majority Leader Tom "The Hammer" DeLay (pictured to the right) has a column in which is rightly draws a lot of concern about the big money that is being spread all around the left of America starting with hundreds of millions being lavished by billionaire George Soros. In his piece, DeLay blames this sizable and well financed liberal coalition of groups with the loss of Richard Pombo in California’s 11th District. In his column, DeLay says:

What this network of tax-exempt foundations, "educational" organizations, 527 political groups, and political businesses has accomplished in a short time is staggering. A good case in point is theRead More

James V. Lacy

Capistrano Unified settles Brown Act claims

Last night the Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees in south Orange County approved a settlement of claims of violation of the Brown Act open meeting law that occurred during the troubled administration of controversial former Superintendent James Fleming. Under the terms of the settlement, CUSD must audio-tape closed session meetings for one year, provide for Brown Act training for Trustees and staff, and pay attorneys fees in the amount of $16,000 to Plaintiff Ron Lackey.

According to the original lawsuit filed by frequent CUSD critic Lackey, the Trustrees and Fleming met in closed session on July 30, 2005 to purportedly discuss Fleming’s performance appraisal. However, during the meeting, the Trustees covered over 30 different topics of discussion, including an illegal discussion about limiting the time available to Lackey to address the Board during their public sessions. In settling the case, CUSD made no admission of violation of the Brown Act, but agreed to a series of remedial actions similar to what a Judge could impose if a violation were found as a result of a trial.

I was pleased to have served as counsel to Lackey in this… Read More

Barry Jantz

Politics and Football

Brand New Trivia Question: Who is the only head coach to lead their team to the best regular season record of any NFL team in a particular year, only to be fired at season’s end?

Answer: Marty Schottenheimer (14-2 record last year with the San Diego Chargers), yesterday.

And, this has to do with politics why?

Simple. If a political consultant consistently won hard fought primaries for their candidates, but couldn’t get any of them a win in the run-off, they wouldn’t be political consultants very long.

Life does parallel sports.… Read More