My Day At The DMV — or — Bailey’s A Driver Now!
Last December I posted about the Democrats zeal in having the state take over health care in California. In an effort to be clever and make the point of how terrible it would be having bureaucrats make decisions about our health care, I titled the post "The Health Care Challenge — or — If You Love The DMV, You’ll Love Government Run Health Care". I concluded it writing "If we let the government take it over, we’ll get the same loving care as we get at the DMV"
I thought I’d made a pretty good point, and I discovered I also hit a nerve at the DMV. Lo and behold, George Valverde – the Director of the DMV – commented immediately:
The debate over a statewide health care system aside, Sen. Jim Battin’s comparison to the DMV is misplaced (The health care challenge – or if you love the DMV, you’ll love government run health care, 12/12/06 blog in FlashReport). Over the past three years, the DMV has achieved remarkable results in creating a customer-friendly atmosphere. We… Read More