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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Reps. Campbell, Rohrabacher, Royce get top honors from National Taxpayers Union!

The FlashReport would like to congratulate the three members of California’s Congressional delegation who have been tapped with ‘high honors’ from the National Taxpayers Union — receiving their coveted "Taxpayer Friends" rating… And the winners are… Dana Rohrabacher, Ed Royce and our own FR Beltway Correspondent John Campbell!! It should come as no surprise to FR readers that among the many "F" recipients (all Democrats) from the NTU for 2006 were our two United States Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, and of course our new Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Here is how each of the Republicans from California scored, since we follow GOPers most closely here at the FR: Brian Bilbray: *n/a – Bilbray was elected in a special election in 2006 and so was not rated. Mary Bono: C-Read More

Jon Fleischman

It takes two to tango – it’s Walters vs. Sidhu in OC’s SD 33 (Ackerman)

As they say in politics, it is the goal of every erstwhile officeholder to run for that office without an opponent. While some folks get away with that — like when then-State Senator Ed Royce cleared the primary in his race for Congress back in 1992, or when, years later, John Campbell had an unopposed run for the State Assembly — it isn’t usually the case.

It looks like popular conservative Assemblywoman Mimi Walters will not be "walking" into the 33rd State Senate District as she had hoped, though I would certainly catagorize her as a very strong front-runner. Today, Anaheim City Councilman Harry Sidhu threw his hat into the ring for the GOP primary for this "safe" Republican district currently occupied by the term-limited Senator Dick Ackerman. Above to the right is a photo from Sidhu’s website with Senator and Mrs. Tom Harman. I don’t know that the Senator hasRead More

Trust Me!

As my good friend and fellow blogger Doug LaMalfa posted earlier, the Elections and Redistricting Committee (of which I have the honor of Vice-Chairing) met today for the purpose of voting on the Presidential Primary bill, SB 113 – Calderon.

The bill sought to move the Presidential primary to February of 2008, instead of our traditional June date. Without delving too far into the debate concerning whether there is merit in a February primary, let me just say that the idea has positive and negative implications. For me, the more important thing that came out of the Committee was the resounding and uniform statements by the Dems that, despite the fact that the bill contains no mandate that the State reimburse counties for the estimated $60-90 million it will cost to conduct the election, we should just “trust them” that they will pay the money back.

Let’s just stop there for a moment and let the laughter die down.

For my part, I don’t think the other side has banked enough trust to give our counties and cities a sound night’s sleep.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Duncan’s South Carolina A-Team

FR friend and Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-San Diego County) is running for President. Today he announced, on the steps of the State Capitol steps in the early-primary state of South Carolina that Horry County Auditor Lois Eargle, former Republican lieutenant governor candidate Henry Jordan and former state Rep. Tom Marchant would help lead his state campaign.

Needs four reasons to vote for Hunter? They’re here on his website. Hopefully we’ll get a fifth paragraph up soon, comprehensively approaching the issue of reducing the size and scope of the federal government, and addressing the over-spending of the President and Congress. Foreign policy is important, but so is domestic policy.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hanretty: Robbing Small Businesses to Pay for Illegal Workers

Our former State Capitol Correspondent for the FR, Karen Hanretty, maintains a regular blog over at the MSM’s News10 Website, but (with permission) I lifted this post for your reading pleasure: Robbing Small Businesses to Pay for Illegal Workers A capitol insider asked me the other week if I think anything will come this year of Governor Schwarzenegger’s $12 billion health care proposal to provide health insurance to 6.5 million uninsured people in California.Read More

Mike Spence

One Big Political Hit In Carson

A week or so ago my six-year-old daughter and three year old son were playing with me on the on the bed. We were wrestling and they were having a blast. Their mother and my wife, doesn’t share the joys of messing up the bed and throwing the pillows around the room, inquired about how long we were going to keep playing around.

My daughter observantly replied, "We are playing until someone gets hurt".

In Carson someone got hurt and it is going to trial. The DA has filed charges for battery against the leader of a recall effort targeting the Mayor. The recall leader hit a supporter of the Mayor with… paper. Not just any paper but a "sheaf" of paper. What a brute!Now, she is going to trial.

It is all fun and games until someone puts an eye out. See the story here.Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Prez Primary Bill Hurries Forward

The Assembly Elections Committee on a party line 5-2 vote passed through the early presidential primary bill, SB 113. An amendment offered by Committee Vice-Chair, Assemblyman Anthony Adams [AAA] to require specific language in the bill to reimburse counties the $88 million this early election will cost was denied, by the same vote, 5 Dems-No, 2 Reps-Aye. Assemblyman Roger Niello, in committee,noted that such language is necessary in the spirit of Ronald Reagan’s "Trust but verify" when the Dems ‘promise’ to reimburse counties for this extra election. We’ll see…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: McCain Embraces Environmental Extremism in California Appearance

The convention wisdom in modern American politics is that in a primary, a Republican should run to the "right" and a Democrat to the "left" — seeking to tie down core base voters of their party. Then, in a general election, the candidates who emphasize those issues that would appeal to voters in the other party. Apparently no one has given John McCain the important memo — the one that has two parts. First, you’re in a GOP primary. And the second — you do not get the ‘internationally famous movie star turned politician’ exemption to this rule. Last year, one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s lurches to the ideological left that most infuriated GOP leaders and activists around California was his calling for the passage of Assembly Bill 32, dubbed by the environmental-extremist community as the "Global Warming Solutions Act" — legislation which has called for increasing regulations in California to fight an alleged… Read More