Moving Beyond Single Issue Voting
I’ve been feeling the heat – from my right, because I am an early supporter of Rudy Giuliani for President. I’ve got a number of reasons, but as a pro – life, anti – special rights and pro – second Amendment voter, the "single issue" voter now scares the heck out of me.
I’ve moved beyond conservatism as a standard for candidate support. Why? Because conservative rhetoric has become empty rhetoric. There has been no consistent "conservatism" practiced at any level of government in the last ten years. And frankly, when I hear members of our Party bloviating about "limited government", blah, blah blah, I could really care less. In my judgment, most of the Republican base has also lost faith. In California, where our "Republican" Governor believes centrism equals liberalism, the base is in no better shape.
So let’s look at the set of issues framing the 2008 presidential run. For me, its all about committing to the War on Terrorists. Romney has no experience in this area at all, and McCain’s… Read More