Just How High is She?
I just received the following obviously-quickly-written missive from MoveAmericaForward.org, and had to laugh.
Dr. Laura Schlesinger, the 4th highest radio talk show host in the nation, is urging her listeners to support Move America Forward’s "THESE COLORS DON’T RUN" national pro-troop/patriotic caravan (heading across the nation from Thursday March 8th – Saturday, March 17th) and the "Gathering of Eagles" event that takes place at the culmination of the national caravan.
See her "Call to Action" here: http://www.drlaura.com/action/index.html?mode=view&tile=1&id=13528
Find out where you can join the caravan or attend one of the 2 DOZEN pro-troop/patriotic rallies that will take place along the caravan route here:http://www.MoveAmericaForward.org
OK, I know that Rush has… Read More