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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: As our GOP Quarterback, Schwarzenegger is helping Dems to score touchdowns!

ANALOGY WARNING: I have been told by those closest to me that when I try to wind up a lengthy analogy, sometimes I miss the mark. That said, I am going to try to equate the Governor’s behavior with California Democrats to a football game. Wish me luck:

Imagine that we are all on the same football team, and that is the middle of an important game. We’re all on the field, intent on scoring an important touchdown. Suddenly, our quarterback, who without doubt is our leader out there on the field, receives the ball, and to the amazement of everyone on our team (including the team boosters in the bleachers) he takes the ball, turns around, and runs about 30 yards towards our own goal line, and downs the ball! The reactions of the football players on our team is, as you can imagine, mixed. Some are shocked, some are dismayed — others, speechless.Read More

Jon Fleischman

As our GOP Quarterback, Schwarzenegger is helping Dems to score touchdowns!

ANALOGY WARNING: I have been told by those closest to me that when I try to wind up a lengthy analogy, sometimes I miss the mark. That said, I am going to try to equate the Governor’s behavior with California Democrats to a football game. Wish me luck:

Imagine that we are all on the same football team, and that is the middle of an important game. We’re all on the field, intent on scoring an important touchdown. Suddenly, our quarterback, who without doubt is our leader out there on the field, receives the ball, and to the amazement of everyone on our team (including the team boosters in the bleachers) he takes the ball, turns around, and runs about 30 yards towards our own goal line, and downs the ball! The reactions of the football players on our team is, as you can imagine, mixed. Some are shocked, some are dismayed — others, speechless.Read More

Shawn Steel

Revolution in the Belly of the Beast

If Los Angeles County we sliced off, California would be bright red. LA, by producing over 25% of the total vote regularly hemorrhages huge democrat votes each election.

So why are 4 republicans running for the Los Angeles Community College District? The District is over 55% of the LA population, in the most democrat sections, with republicans not even ascending to 20%.

Jerry Brown, his sister, Kathleen Brown both started their careers with LACCD. LACCD is the largest community school district in the nation with over 9 full time campuses. The colleges are a crucial step for many to get into 4 year colleges or learn a career skill. One could argue that these community colleges are more socially usefulthan the traditional 4 year liberalarts college.

Last fall Pat Owens, a former Trustee himself and the last Republican whose term ended in the 1980’s, gathered four quality candidates to run for each of 4 Trustee positions this March 6 in Los Angeles and adjoining cities. About 15% of the people are expected to vote.

But this is Union territory. They recruited, bought and paid for their Board Trustees for the last 20 years. With the… Read More

Transportation Bond Distributions

When the Transportation Bond was being "sold" to the voters last year two projects were mentioned time and again as priorities by the Governor – the 405 in LA, and the 91 through Riverside. What a surprise to find out last week that only $2.8 of the first $4.5 Billion was to be allocated, and that both those projects missed the first cut.

The irony is that the process of allocation was to be "nonpolitical" and handled by CTC staff in an objective manner. Well, it stunk, and it took the politicians about a second to wind up and speak out. Last week there was a hearing in Sacramento packed to the walls with local and state electeds. End result? Miraculously the entire $4.5 will be allocated. And know what else? The 405 and 91 will be included after all. Read more here…

Two Inland transportation projects that were shunned by state officials last week as they proposed spending billions in bond money were suddenly in favor Monday following a week of lobbying by everyone from local officials to Gov. Schwarzenegger. But another project that initially had been included for funding was dropped.Read More

Barry Jantz

Just How High is She?

I just received the following obviously-quickly-written missive from, and had to laugh.


Dr. Laura Schlesinger, the 4th highest radio talk show host in the nation, is urging her listeners to support Move America Forward’s "THESE COLORS DON’T RUN" national pro-troop/patriotic caravan (heading across the nation from Thursday March 8th – Saturday, March 17th) and the "Gathering of Eagles" event that takes place at the culmination of the national caravan.

See her "Call to Action" here:

Find out where you can join the caravan or attend one of the 2 DOZEN pro-troop/patriotic rallies that will take place along the caravan route here:

OK, I know that Rush has… Read More

Jill Buck

Did Someone Forget to Kiss the Gavel?

Today’s San Francisco Chronicle reports that local Chinese media was barred from Sen. Clinton’s fundraiser at the Sheraton Palace on Friday. They were not included on Clinton’s media list for a press release on the event, and when reporter, Portia Li, arrived to cover the event, she was told that no “foreign press” was allowed. The incident was considered quite a snub, and though the Clinton camp apologized, the Chronicle reports that tension remains.

The first thing that went through my mind when I read this article was.doesn’t the Clinton campaign have someone knowledgeable on the ground in San Francisco who can help them avoid such a provincial faux pas?

And then it hit me: this is Nancy Pelosi’s home turf.

Can we infer anything about the relationship between Pelosi and Clinton if the former allows the latter to make such a blunder? San Francisco is no small media market for Democrats in a presidential primary. This could get very interesting.… Read More

Sacramento Mayor

Incumbent Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo has announced her intentions to seek a third term.

She’s going to have a difficult time making a case to voters for another 4 years. The city of Sacramento has grown despite her lack of vision for the city. She will be running for reelection with big time development projects going belly up downtown (high rise condos and redevelopment of the K Street Mall) and following the arena fiasco (the tax increase to build a new arena for the Kings failed miserably) hanging over her head.

No doubt about it, the The mayor is tough. Fargo recently announced that she has been living with multiple sclerosis for the past 10 years and is the veteran of a few nasty political campaigns (against Roger Dickinson and Rob Kerth for Mayor 2000).

Their are some potential challengers in the wings:

Grantland Johnson – former County Supervisor, veteran of the Davis administration, currently working for labor locally (opponent of Arena… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

On So Many Levels, Our Governor Just Doesn’t Get It

This post partisanship nonsense is driving me nuts. The Governor wonders out loud why "How come Democrats and Republicans out here don’t schmooze with each other?" It’s real easy Governor. They don’t like each other. It’s personal. They literally don’t like each other. I suggest you spend some time on the liberal hate sites, like the Daily Kos, so you can read all the angry hateful posts from the left. They don’t believe in defending this country, and they don’t believe our President is legitimately elected – either time. They wish death to Dick Cheney. They openly root for our defeat against terrorists. What is there to Schmooze about, sir? The elected officials on the left are listening to their base. Do you know who their base is, sir? They shout down conservative speakers on campus, protest the war against terrorism, and heap anger and misery everywhere they go.

So the President needs to move to… Read More