The Value of Liberty
Over the course of the last few months, I have had the great privilege of meeting with hundreds of folks, each advocating one position or another. In the lingo of the biz: meet & greets. These encounters typically are cordial affairs, and are designed to familiarize the member (that would be me) with particular issues and to establish working relationships. All that to say, I get paid by the good folks of California to listen, learn, and often, debate the merits of thousands of concerns.
More interestingly than the fact that these meetings occur may be the fact that so many of them are with groups and individuals from the Left. These meetings tend to go something like this:
Lefty: We are so happy to have you here in Sacramento. Congratulations. Me: Thanks. It’s a real honor to be here. So what’s on your mind? Lefty: We just wanted to talk to you about [fill in the blank] Me: That’s great that you are working on that problem, but what should government do about it?
And this is the point where more money is requested and/or, more governmental intrusion.
When I raise the obvious concern that… Read More