New Worst Bill
New Worst Bill: This Congress is rapidly stacking up contenders for the “Worst Passed Bill of the Year Award.” Up until now, it was probably H.R. 4, a bill that would eliminate the one market-based part of Medicare that is actually working to reduce costs and replace it with a bureaucrat-managed non-market system. But, that terrible policy was eclipsed last week by the passage of what many of us call the "Worker Intimidation Act of 2007." This bill (H.R. 800) would replace secret ballots in union elections with a system where no election is actually held. Instead, union organizers could coerce workers to sign "cards" using public pressure and intimidation tactics. These cards are not secret and could certify a union at a workplace without any election at all. It’s outrageous!
Why would the union bosses push so hard to eliminate free and fair secret ballot elections? Union membership outside of government has been declining for decades. They have been losing elections in many industries all over the country. I would argue that unions have not updated their purpose or mission in sixty years and therefore they are failing to… Read More