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Mike Spence

Every vote counts– well ast least one does in Signal Hill -Maybe

The Mayor of Signal Hill went to sleep Tuesday Night losing his council seat by 9 votes. Well, now he is up by one vote. Except for some problems in one precinct. This is what the City Clerk said there is….

"…reasonable cause to believe the ballots have been miscounted by the central county system, and the Election Consultant is unable to explain the discrepancy in the returns of that precinct."

Really. They will recount the ballots Monday. Making for a long weekend. I do bet both candidates go to church Sunday though. See article here.Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Now It’s A Trojan Pussycat

Bill Bradley’s New West Notes blogis one I like and I’ve read several times and has featured very interestinginfo that I’m sure his readers enjoy as well. Today’s "Trojan Horse Primary" post is one that seems to be "calling me out" on this issue that we’ve talked about here on the FR, even using that title. OK Bill, let’s have some fun, it’s High Noon somewhere.

Among the conservatives I talk to, we share an opinion thatdoesn’t worry most about an unfair vote because of low voter turnout, causing a term limit extension to pass. I do expect a decent turn out, all things being relative, with the presidential question on a February ballot.

The June primary, however,is likely to be a tumbleweed-laden ghost town at voting precincts. Those will be crickets you hear in the background, not the hum of voting machines. Perhaps a very provocative Proposition could boost that. Voter fatigue, however lame of an excuse that is not to vote, will become even moreprevalent with June being the 10th statewide election in a six year span.

All the political reasonsRead More

Unintended Consequences in Legislation

A partner and I had a custom hand-carved woodsign business in the early 1980’s.Many are still in place along PCH through Laguna Beach. We made enough to support a surfing lifestyle,date girls,and had a pretty good time at it. One of our favorite jibes at each other was, "You’ve got to be smarter than the tool." Translated means – misuse may result in unintended consequences.

To further illustrate, we had a job we were behind deadline on for the Laguna Beach Cookie Company. We were often behind deadline, especially when a swell was up. Late into the night the day before it was due, we were carving away in the shop. I got mad at an inset that wouldn’t go into place correctly and smacked my end of the sign with the rubber mallet I was using. Jordie, my partner ,was painting the other end at the time when it flew up, clipped him in the chin, and covered his face with gold metal-flake paint.

That was an unintended consequence.

The Governor’s million rooftop solar bill recently had an unintended consequence here in the Coachella Valley (Palm Springs area). It seems that the summer months… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Chris Cox for President?

This piece is mainly about the potential candidacy of Law & Order’s Fred Thompson (he plays the D.A.), a retired United States Senator from Tennessee, for the GOP nomination for President…

And Think of All the Crooks He’s Put Away

How the Republican presidential field might yet be spiced up with new entrants was the gossip at the American Enterprise Institute annual banquet in Washington Wednesday night. Admirers named SEC Chairman Chris Cox and former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson among the wild cards they’d like to see in the race.

Indeed, I bumped into former Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, who gave Mr. Thompson his first job in Washington as deputy GOP counsel on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ross Johnson-led FPPC Fines Sacramento Mayor at Johnson’s first meeting!

The lovely, master-planned community of Gold River, in Sacramento County, is just outside of the actual City of Sacramento. Gold River is home to a few political notables, including Congressman Dan Lungren, and retired State Senator Ross Johnson, who just yesterday had the opportunity to wield the gavel for the first time as the new Chairman of the California Fair Political Practices Commission. One of the first actions of the Johnson-led Commission was to smack Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo with a $2000 fine for failing to disclose a source of income on her candidate and 2003 annual statement of economic interests. So I guess if the Gold River Master Association (which substitutes for local government, I suppose, in a master-planned community in an unincorporated area) ever needs a liaison to their neighboring city, Johnson won’t be in the running. Welcome back to public life, Mr. Chairman!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Nancy Pelosi’s “Jedi Mind Trick”

Imagine walking into Best Buy, strolling over to the television department, and grabbing a brand new Tivo unit. You then take this big, rather obvious box, and go right past the checkout stand, and out the door. On the way out, the guys who check to make sure you have paid for things start to approach you, and like Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Mind Trick in the original Star Wars, you tell the guy, "I don’t have a Tivo in my hand" — and they look at you funny, but are forced into silence as you stroll out with your stolen merchandise. I know, you are wondering how this little parable is going to somehow translate to something going on in politics. Well, it does! I was reading a story from The Hill newspaper this morning, and apparently under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives has adopted a new twist on their House rules that is so unbelievable that, even when reading it, you don’t believe it! Apparently if you bring forth an earmark… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nancy Pelosi’s “Jedi Mind Trick”

Imagine walking into Best Buy, strolling over to the television department, and grabbing a brand new Tivo unit. You then take this big, rather obvious box, and go right past the checkout stand, and out the door. On the way out, the guys who check to make sure you have paid for things start to approach you, and like Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Mind Trick in the original Star Wars, you tell the guy, "I don’t have a Tivo in my hand" — and they look at you funny, but are forced into silence as you stroll out with your stolen merchandise. I know, you are wondering how this little parable is going to somehow translate to something going on in politics. Well, it does! I was reading a story from The Hill newspaper this morning, and apparently under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives has adopted a new twist on their House rules that is so unbelievable that, even when reading it, you don’t believe it! Apparently if you bring forth an earmark… Read More

Carl Fogliani

GOP Chair Nehring in San Joaquin County

Earlier this week, California GOP Chairman Ron Nehring spoke to the monthly meeting of the San Joaquin Republican Party bringing his message of winning elections and unity to a packed house. Nehring discussed every aspect of bulding a strong county party and took questions from the audience.

The meeting was attended by many activists who had been questioning the party in the past and Nehring’s inspiring speech brought many of them back into the fold with a new sense of unity and purpose. Led by new Chairman Dale Fritchen, membership and fundraising is on the rise and excitement amongst San Joaquin GOP activists is returning as these former volunteers and donors return to the fold. The timing could not be better as 2008 will see three open Assembly seats, one open Senate seat and a vulnerable democrat Congressman and the party will need to have all hands on deck.

Nehring’s presence was a critical turning point for the committee as it looks to get back to its winning ways. The commitment of… Read More