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Mike Spence

Still One Vote in Signal Hill

After the recount, the margin that elected the Mayor is ONE vote. Don’t worry there will be a recount and if the Orange County folks involved in the Nguyen race get involved, who knows. See article here.See Previous FR Story here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: My Evening With John McCain

Last evening, United States Senator John McCain raised over a half a million dollars at a fundraising event at the Irvine Hyatt Hotel in Orange County. I was invited by the McCain campaign to attend not only the reception, but also an exclusive round-table discussion that took place beforehand. As a Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, I am officially neutral in the Presidential primary, but was very pleased to accept the generous invitation of the McCain Campaign. Even better, I got an ‘okay’ to bring along the new digital camcorder that I just purchased!

The event, which probably had about 200 or so people at it, was organized by some of Orange Counties heaviest hitters — former U.S. Ambassador to Spain George Argyros, Irvine Company owner Don Bren (who, according to Forbes, is the 80th richest person in the world), renowned developer General William Lyon, and former Secretary of State Bill Jones. Introducing Senator McCain was the Irvine Company’s Dan Young, who filled in for Don Bren, who attended but was sidelined with a bad case of laryngitis. After McCain’s speech, he was followed by fundraising guru Gary Hunt.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Jones plugs John McCain

I have a few testimonials on the "FlashCam" from the McCain event, that I’ll get up as time permits. Here is the first one, from a familiar face in California politics. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

My Evening With John McCain

Last evening, United States Senator John McCain raised over a half a million dollars at a fundraising event at the Irvine Hyatt Hotel in Orange County. I was invited by the McCain campaign to attend not only the reception, but also an exclusive round-table discussion that took place beforehand. As a Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, I am officially neutral in the Presidential primary, but was very pleased to accept the generous invitation of the McCain Campaign. Even better, I got an ‘okay’ to bring along the new digital camcorder that I just purchased!

The event, which probably had about 200 or so people at it, was organized by some of Orange Counties heaviest hitters — former U.S. Ambassador to Spain George Argyros, Irvine Company owner Don Bren (who, according to Forbes, is the 80th richest person in the world), renowned developer General William Lyon, and former Secretary of State Bill Jones. Introducing Senator McCain was the Irvine Company’s Dan Young, who filled in for Don Bren, who attended but was sidelined with a bad case of laryngitis. After McCain’s speech, he was followed by fundraising guru Gary Hunt.… Read More

Mike Spence

Congressman McKeon makes the case for School Choice

Congressman Buck McKeon represents part of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. He recently penned this column about school choice. Read it at Townhall here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: AD75 – Fletcher signs ATR Pledge; Norquist on hand to witness…

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Jon Fleischman

Sacramento “Blue Dogs” Get A Spanking

Check out this humorous piece up on the Capitol Weekly site today! Democrat State Senators Correa, Calderon, and Negrete Mcleod were locked out of their Capitol offices by "The Don" Perata for attending a fundraising event for Democrat Caucus "moderates".

According to CW:

Perata declined to discuss the issue. "I never talk about the politics of the caucus," he said.

Hmmm.… Read More

Shawn Steel

The Wealthy Left Finance CA Politics

A Flashreport reader would be surprised the LA Times documented something we’ve long known. The really BIG money in politics comes from very rich liberals.

The Times ran their piece back Feb 27 and we did a little of our own research. 68% of the largest individual contributors are liberal Democrats. Those donors gave over 61 million from 2003 to 2006. The very strange Stephen Bing, who inherited all his money,flushed at least 14.18 million into zany liberal projects and candidates. That14 million is but a part of his largess. We don’t know how many millions he gave to 527’s. For example, Bing just gave over $ 50 million for pass tax hiking Prop 87, the Oil Tax.

Someof the rich liberal elite inherited their money. They’ve never worked a day but they are ready to back candidates who will try to run your life.They include Ann Gerry Earhart [Getty heiress] , Susan Packard and Frank Orr [Technology heirs], Anne Bartley [San Francisco heiress], James Hormel [ food heir] and Julie Packard [ technology heir].

Of the 20 top contributors only 6 are Republican. Of the 6 only one family inherited its money. The others are… Read More