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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Sometimes saying nothing is best…

As the Republican race for the Presidential nomination starts to unfold, there will be a lot of individual times that you scratch your head, and wonder about why a candidate says something about a particular issue. I can certainly tell you that I have heard from a lot of grassroots GOP donors and activists who feel that how a candidate conducts themselves in their personal life is an important indicator of how they will perform in an office of public trust – and I agree. I will admit that it makes it more challenging for me to place my faith in a candidate and what they are telling me when they have been unfaithful to their spouse. I’m a realist — and the sobering and unfortunate fact is that over half of the marriages in the United States end up in divorce — and amazing and startlingly depressing figure. It is also the case that infidelity occurs in many of these instances.

But there is also truth to the statement that the two best times to judge someone’s character is when everyone is watching them, and when no one is watching them. I don’t pretend to know or care to know the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sometimes saying nothing is best…

As the Republican race for the Presidential nomination starts to unfold, there will be a lot of individual times that you scratch your head, and wonder about why a candidate says something about a particular issue. I can certainly tell you that I have heard from a lot of grassroots GOP donors and activists who feel that how a candidate conducts themselves in their personal life is an important indicator of how they will perform in an office of public trust – and I agree. I will admit that it makes it more challenging for me to place my faith in a candidate and what they are telling me when they have been unfaithful to their spouse. I’m a realist — and the sobering and unfortunate fact is that over half of the marriages in the United States end up in divorce — and amazing and startlingly depressing figure. It is also the case that infidelity occurs in many of these instances.

But there is also truth to the statement that the two best times to judge someone’s character is when everyone is watching them, and when no one is watching them. I don’t pretend to know or care to know the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…All the “dope”

El Cajon Mayor Lewis Taking on Jacob?… Consultants, pollsters and pundits will tell you that San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob is not only popular, but that her positive ID has been consistently high for several years. Vulnerable in ’08? Perhaps El Cajon Mayor Mark Lewis believes so. From my own Red County/San Diego post last week…

The word…is that El Cajon Mayor Mark Lewis is actively considering the prospects. I will ask Mark, via this post, to comment. I will ask the readers:

Does anyone remember La Mesa Mayor Art Madrid’s showing against Dianne a few years back? He was (is) popular in La Mesa, but even so, folks in that contest cast votes not against him, but for Jacob. Would an El Cajon challenger be different? Does Mark believe his traditional union ties and support could bolster him enough against a sitting supervisor without any apparent negatives? History shows that even the groups not particularly happy with Dianne end upRead More

Jon Fleischman


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Mike Spence

Winning an election with a quarter.

It is all in the wrist. Temple City Councilman Dan Arrighi lost his seat on the council after losing a coin flip. Over a decade ago, there was a tie for a seat on the West Covina School Board. I tossed the coin that decided a winner until a recount changed the victor by 4 votes. I always said that close elections are the worst to lose. A lot of would have and should haves enter a candidate’s thought. To lose big, no problem. You couldn’t do anything about it! See the story here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Saturday Thoughts

* On Monday, we will be featuring columns advocating the leading candidates for President penned by some of their prominent California supporters. The candidate campaigns to whom we reached out for columns were that of John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and our own Californian in the race, Duncan Hunter. I am pleased that all four campaign chose to participate, and so you can look forward to that treat on Monday! Also, John McCain and Mitt Romney will be in California next week and I will be attending events for both – so we’ll be bringing you that scoop as well! * In Sacramento County, longtime Republican Party Chairman Donna Schalansky abruptly resigned after being convincingly re-elected to another two-year term earlier this month. Donna has been a longtime friend, and we wish her well in her future endeavors. According to insiders involved with the County GOP, First Vice Chairman Craig MacGlashan is heavily favored to be elected to replace her at a meeting on April the 12th. MacGlashan is the husband of Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan. * We continue to toodle around with our newest feature – being… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Saturday Thoughts

* On Monday, we will be featuring columns advocating the leading candidates for President penned by some of their prominent California supporters. The candidate campaigns to whom we reached out for columns were that of John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and our own Californian in the race, Duncan Hunter. I am pleased that all four campaign chose to participate, and so you can look forward to that treat on Monday! Also, John McCain and Mitt Romney will be in California next week and I will be attending events for both – so we’ll be bringing you that scoop as well! * In Sacramento County, longtime Republican Party Chairman Donna Schalansky abruptly resigned after being convincingly re-elected to another two-year term earlier this month. Donna has been a longtime friend, and we wish her well in her future endeavors. According to insiders involved with the County GOP, First Vice Chairman Craig MacGlashan is heavily favored to be elected to replace her at a meeting on April the 12th. MacGlashan is the husband of Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan. * We continue to toodle around with our newest feature – being… Read More

Mike Spence

A Union Member Abusing Funds AND a Conflict of Interest? Say it a’int so!

I know it’s hard, but imagine a union member getting elected to a water board and then using taxpayer funds he travels to a conference to staff a union booth. That really isn’t news as musch as the fact some other member of the board are taking him to task. This is happening on the Palmdale Water District where VP Dave Gomez did that. You have to like is truthfulness in this exchange between him and board member Gordon Dexter.

I did not pass out literature," Gomez told Figueroa and Dexter during a water board meeting Wednesday night.

Dexter responded that he watched Gomez hand literature to the Metropolitan Water District’s assistant general manager.

"Just that one," Gomez said.

A true Liberal. See the whole article here.Read More