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Jon Fleischman

Governor Schwarzenegger should veto the current bill on his desk to move the CA Presidential primary to February

If Governor Schwarzenegger is wondering how he has once again ended up staring down the barrel of an important piece of legislation that he really wants to sign, that was voted for by EVERY DEMOCRAT in the Assembly, and had the votes of NO REPUBLICANS, he really only needs to look in the mirror. You see, if I were in the position of the Democrats who control the majority in both chambers of the legislature, I wouldn’t bother to work with the Republicans given the Governor’s willingness to sign legislation opposed by any, or in some cases, all Republicans in the legislature. So how does legislation suffer when the Governor sends the message that he will sign bills that reach his desk with no GOP support? Well, let’s look at the bill in question, which is legislation to move the date of the California Presidential primary from June to February. This proposal has been talked about quite a bit, and, in fact, the Governor is on record stating his support for the idea. That said, what is not in the bill? Republicans wanted language making it clear that the State would reimburse the counties for the cost of administering another… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

New Worst Bill

New Worst Bill: This Congress is rapidly stacking up contenders for the “Worst Passed Bill of the Year Award.” Up until now, it was probably H.R. 4, a bill that would eliminate the one market-based part of Medicare that is actually working to reduce costs and replace it with a bureaucrat-managed non-market system. But, that terrible policy was eclipsed last week by the passage of what many of us call the "Worker Intimidation Act of 2007." This bill (H.R. 800) would replace secret ballots in union elections with a system where no election is actually held. Instead, union organizers could coerce workers to sign "cards" using public pressure and intimidation tactics. These cards are not secret and could certify a union at a workplace without any election at all. It’s outrageous!

Why would the union bosses push so hard to eliminate free and fair secret ballot elections? Union membership outside of government has been declining for decades. They have been losing elections in many industries all over the country. I would argue that unions have not updated their purpose or mission in sixty years and therefore they are failing to… Read More

Conservative Republican Bob Smith In For Open 34th Assembly District Race

Assemblymember Bill Maze, who represents the one of the largest state legislative districts in North America, will be vacating his seat in 2008 due to term limits.ý Already, a front-runner has emerged in the campaign to succeed this outstanding Republican legislator in the sprawling 34th Assembly District a safe GOP seat that covers four counties and stretches from Tulare County in the San Joaquin Valley to Needles, a city nestled alongside California’s border with Arizona. The candidate is current Maze Assembly District Aide Bob Smith, who is well on his way to replacing his boss:

Take a look at the key points of Bob Smith’s (full disclosure: I have personally endorsed Bob Smith’s candidacy) impressive biography:

27-year member of the United States Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol.ý He has attained the rank of Lt. Colonel. Bob Smith briefs legislators on US Air Force current events and happenings. Law enforcement officer for … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sundheim responds to my Commentary

In response to my commentary this morning, Duf Sundheim asked if I would publish a response from him, which appears below. Duf takes issue with the fact that I did not contact him directly to verify the accuracy of the information — a fair point…

I was very disappointed to read your commentary of March 7, 2007. It totally misrepresented who I support in the Presidential campaign (I have not endorsed any candidate) and I certainly am not heading some sort of clandestine operation on a candidate’s behalf. What makes it worse is that you contacted others for their reaction to the charge, but never bothered to contact me to determine whether the charge was accurate in the first place.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Exactly how long do get ‘good will’ from unions when you sign a wage hike into law?

It looks like signing off on the horendous hike in the state wage mandate on California employers (called by the left a "minimum wage increase") bought the Governor about seven and a half months of good will from the unions. Now the honeymoon is over.… Read More

Mike Spence

Walt Allen In, Utility Tax Out!

Yesterday, Covina voters elected well-known Republican and former Schwarzenegger appointee to head the California Youth Authority Walt Allen to the Cit Council. Walt had served before his appointment and is 1st Vice Chair of the Los Angeles County Republican Party.

In Very Big News Voters also rejected the utility tax. What is interesting here is that this tax has been in place since 1992. When it was first voted in, the entire city council was recalled. (I was a consultant on that campaign) Then the new guys kept the tax and it was later approved in a city vote.

So Congrats Walt, now you get to make some budget cuts! See article hereRead More

Shawn Steel

LACCD Beachhead

Roy Burns, immediate past President of ALADS [ Assn of LA Deputy Sheriffs], one of the largest police unions anywhere, forced a runoff against liberal Georgia Mercer. The election was an effort by 4 Republicans to challenge 4 pro-Teacher union incumbents, from the long term control by teacher unions over the largest Community College District in America.

Roy Burns was the only one to force a runoff. The other Republican candidates didn’t have a crowded field and the union slate won easily.

Roy Burns came to our attention, when he represented ALADS trying to forge closer ties to Republicans. One of the great contradictions, is how can police officers—generally conservative—thrown huge chunks of moneyto liberal democrats. The answer is easy. Liberals will grant any government employee unlimited benefits. Still, the problem for Republicans, how can we help divide the Government Union Unbreakable wall?

So, we have the "Shawn Steel exception." Divide and conquer. It worked for Caesar. Government Unions are bad for the republic unless they are a police union. If a person is a first responder and a sworn officer, then… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Politico: Nunez will not support reform in drawing of Congressional seats…

Congressman Kevin McCarthy, who is quoted towards the end of this story from the Politico website, is 100% correct. I’ve bolded his quotes.

Redistricting and Blade Running By David Mark, The Politico In a move aimed at cementing House Democrats’ newly minted majority, California politicians are walking a tightrope on the volatile topic of redistricting. Under pressure from Washington, they are trying to keep their power to draw congressional district lines, while appearing to support good-government efforts to move redistricting out of politics.Read More