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Jon Fleischman

Ross Johnson-led FPPC Fines Sacramento Mayor at Johnson’s first meeting!

The lovely, master-planned community of Gold River, in Sacramento County, is just outside of the actual City of Sacramento. Gold River is home to a few political notables, including Congressman Dan Lungren, and retired State Senator Ross Johnson, who just yesterday had the opportunity to wield the gavel for the first time as the new Chairman of the California Fair Political Practices Commission. One of the first actions of the Johnson-led Commission was to smack Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo with a $2000 fine for failing to disclose a source of income on her candidate and 2003 annual statement of economic interests. So I guess if the Gold River Master Association (which substitutes for local government, I suppose, in a master-planned community in an unincorporated area) ever needs a liaison to their neighboring city, Johnson won’t be in the running. Welcome back to public life, Mr. Chairman!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Nancy Pelosi’s “Jedi Mind Trick”

Imagine walking into Best Buy, strolling over to the television department, and grabbing a brand new Tivo unit. You then take this big, rather obvious box, and go right past the checkout stand, and out the door. On the way out, the guys who check to make sure you have paid for things start to approach you, and like Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Mind Trick in the original Star Wars, you tell the guy, "I don’t have a Tivo in my hand" — and they look at you funny, but are forced into silence as you stroll out with your stolen merchandise. I know, you are wondering how this little parable is going to somehow translate to something going on in politics. Well, it does! I was reading a story from The Hill newspaper this morning, and apparently under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives has adopted a new twist on their House rules that is so unbelievable that, even when reading it, you don’t believe it! Apparently if you bring forth an earmark… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nancy Pelosi’s “Jedi Mind Trick”

Imagine walking into Best Buy, strolling over to the television department, and grabbing a brand new Tivo unit. You then take this big, rather obvious box, and go right past the checkout stand, and out the door. On the way out, the guys who check to make sure you have paid for things start to approach you, and like Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Mind Trick in the original Star Wars, you tell the guy, "I don’t have a Tivo in my hand" — and they look at you funny, but are forced into silence as you stroll out with your stolen merchandise. I know, you are wondering how this little parable is going to somehow translate to something going on in politics. Well, it does! I was reading a story from The Hill newspaper this morning, and apparently under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the House of Representatives has adopted a new twist on their House rules that is so unbelievable that, even when reading it, you don’t believe it! Apparently if you bring forth an earmark… Read More

Carl Fogliani

GOP Chair Nehring in San Joaquin County

Earlier this week, California GOP Chairman Ron Nehring spoke to the monthly meeting of the San Joaquin Republican Party bringing his message of winning elections and unity to a packed house. Nehring discussed every aspect of bulding a strong county party and took questions from the audience.

The meeting was attended by many activists who had been questioning the party in the past and Nehring’s inspiring speech brought many of them back into the fold with a new sense of unity and purpose. Led by new Chairman Dale Fritchen, membership and fundraising is on the rise and excitement amongst San Joaquin GOP activists is returning as these former volunteers and donors return to the fold. The timing could not be better as 2008 will see three open Assembly seats, one open Senate seat and a vulnerable democrat Congressman and the party will need to have all hands on deck.

Nehring’s presence was a critical turning point for the committee as it looks to get back to its winning ways. The commitment of… Read More

Mike Spence

LA Elections odds and ends. Greg Hill, Carson, Wal-Mart

Some stories I’ve posted in the past played out on Election Day in LA County. Here are a few:

Redondo Beach Greg Hill lost his attempt at a political comeback in Redondo Beach. Current GOP City Treasurer bested his one time friend rather easily. See FR Post here and an article here. Rosemead Those that opposed the new Wal-Mart now control the Rosemead City Council. Only 6 months after it opened. GOP Councilman and longtime Rosemead Councilman, beat back a recall, but lost in this race. I’m sure the Wal-Mart foes will enjoy spending all the sales tax revenue, Imperial and the council brought in. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Political Diary on California Presidential Primary Changes

Left Coast No Longer Left Behind

The last time California figured prominently in a presidential primary cycle was in 1972 when George McGovern beat out Hubert Humphrey and captured the Democratic nomination. That marked the end of a series of dramatic California primaries, which included Bobby Kennedy’s victory over Eugene McCarthy in 1968 and Barry Goldwater’s upset of Nelson Rockefeller in 1964.

More recently, however, California’s primary has lost much of its former relevance. Owing to the primary’s late June date, both parties’ nominees have usually been decided before Californians vote. Which is one reason why the state legislature just approved a measure to move the primary up to Feb. 5, only… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor Schwarzenegger should veto the current bill on his desk to move the CA Presidential primary to February

If Governor Schwarzenegger is wondering how he has once again ended up staring down the barrel of an important piece of legislation that he really wants to sign, that was voted for by EVERY DEMOCRAT in the Assembly, and had the votes of NO REPUBLICANS, he really only needs to look in the mirror. You see, if I were in the position of the Democrats who control the majority in both chambers of the legislature, I wouldn’t bother to work with the Republicans given the Governor’s willingness to sign legislation opposed by any, or in some cases, all Republicans in the legislature. So how does legislation suffer when the Governor sends the message that he will sign bills that reach his desk with no GOP support? Well, let’s look at the bill in question, which is legislation to move the date of the California Presidential primary from June to February. This proposal has been talked about quite a bit, and, in fact, the Governor is on record stating his support for the idea. That said, what is not in the bill? Republicans wanted language making it clear that the State would reimburse the counties for the cost of administering another… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Roll Call: Dean Andal “preparing to run” for CD 11 (the “Pombo” seat)…

Ace RC reporter David Drucker has this scoop for us today:

California: Republican Ex-Legislator Preparing for House Bid Former state Assemblyman Dean Andal (R) said in an interview Wednesday that he is leaning toward running for the Republican nomination to the 11th district and the right to challenge freshman Rep. Jerry McNerney (D) in November 2008. Andal is in Washington, D.C., this week to discuss his potential candidacy with Republican Members, political action committees and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.), among others. Andal said he expects to make a formal announcementRead More