Autry Continues to Confound Fresnans
We have our own John McCain here in Fresno and his name is Alan Autry. Mayor Alan Autry. I’ve never seen a local politico leave so many heads scratching in my life. One minute he’s the MC at the Right to Life Dinner, the next minutes he’s supporting a Democrat for Sheriff against the recommendations of all the other elected officials. Now he comes out against enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws. Huh?
I used to be in pretty constant communication with the Mayor. He’s spent most of his second term nowhere near City Hall – letting staff handle most of the day to day duties. He’s a torn man – family life keeps him from really being able to seek higher office – but inconsistent messaging does too. Is he a liberal? A conservative? No one seems to know. We know he is a Republican by registration, but he doesn’t really use the affiliation for anything. One wonders why he continues to fly the GOP flag.
His real name is Carlos Brown, and I think his westside ag roots cause him to sympathize with the plight of the illegal… Read More