The Star Chamber
The San Diego Ethics Commission has come to conclude they can over-rule the First Amendment…calling the ACLU!
(I read this first on
Rules push candidates into the woodwork San Diego Union Tribune Monday, March 12, 2007 By Logan Jenkins
News bulletin:
The seats for council Districts 1, 3, 5 and 7 will open up wide in 2008, thanks to term limits, but not one early riser is out on the hustings hustling love or money, the mother’s milk of political ambition.
How does one account for this remarkable restraint?
In a word, ECCO.
OK, it’s not a word. It’s an acronym, not to be confused with eco-cool Danish footwear.
In the legalistic view of the Election Campaign Control Ordinance – approved by the San Diego City Council in late 2005; fine-tuned and enforced by the city’s Ethics Commission – a candidate is not a real candidate until the moment he/she receives or spends campaign funds.
Because ECCO strictly prohibits candidates… Read More