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Mike Spence

LA Communist Party Passwords

LA Communist Party Passwords

Next time you are in Sacramento and run into the Speaker, say these words ‘Kur-heiny’ and see what his answer is. Apparently that is part of a code exchange of the LA branch of the Communist Party USA. LA Observed notes the exchange in discussing the New York Times article about the party donating its records to NYU. See it here.

Disclaimer: Of course I don’t really want to imply that Nunez is a communist. That would be wrong. I don’t want to be accused of the horrible sin of "McCarthyism". Communists are very upfront about controlling all aspects of our lives in order to serve their statist ideology. In no way do I imply that Nunez and his fellow travelers are upfront.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: John McCain’s Profoundly Disappointing Comments

"Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."

This so-called "11th Commandment" was created during the 1966 Gubernatorial campaign of Ronald Reagan. Then California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson came up with the idea as Republicans around the country had just watched GOP Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater lose his race after prolonged, vicious attacks from the left within the Republican Party.

How ironic that over the years, this mantra has become something used by liberal Republicans, interested in fending off criticism from conservatives in the Grand Old Party.

Last weekend, United States Senator and Presidential aspirant John McCain invoked Reagan’s "11th Commandment" in a stinging criticism of the Club for Growth (CfG). For those who are not familiar with CfG, they are not a "Republican" organization, but rather a grassroots-based, non-partisan group that is focused on economic issues and whose membership often times focuses funds to help elect candidates for office who will fight to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. In… Read More

Jon Fleischman

John McCain’s Profoundly Disappointing Comments

"Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican."

This so-called "11th Commandment" was created during the 1966 Gubernatorial campaign of Ronald Reagan. Then California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson came up with the idea as Republicans around the country had just watched GOP Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater lose his race after prolonged, vicious attacks from the left within the Republican Party.

How ironic that over the years, this mantra has become something used by liberal Republicans, interested in fending off criticism from conservatives in the Grand Old Party.

Last weekend, United States Senator and Presidential aspirant John McCain invoked Reagan’s "11th Commandment" in a stinging criticism of the Club for Growth (CfG). For those who are not familiar with CfG, they are not a "Republican" organization, but rather a grassroots-based, non-partisan group that is focused on economic issues and whose membership often times focuses funds to help elect candidates for office who will fight to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. In… Read More

Barry Jantz

Krvaric Dream Alive and Well in the Land of Reagan

When Tony Krvaric immigrated from Sweden in 1992, he was living up to a vow he made as a young man to someday live in the nation of the person who inspired him the most, Ronald Reagan. The thought never crossed his mind that someday he would be chairman of the Republican Party in one of that nation’s largest metropolitan areas, in the very county in which Reagan himself wrapped up two successful presidential campaigns.

Over the next several years, Krvaric built a financial advisory business, got married and started a family. In 2004, he became a citizen of the land of Ronald Reagan, the land of freedom. It took him less than three years as a new voter to become chairman of the San Diego County Republican Party.

Although such a story might jab daggers into the hearts of those claiming the GOP is non-accepting and non-inclusive of immigrants, it does prove a point many have known for some time. The Republican Party is very accepting of anyone that works hard and chooses to pursue citizenship… Read More

Barry Jantz

Krvaric Elected SD GOP Chairman

A few minutes ago, Tony Krvaric was elected unanimously to succeed Ron Nehring as the chairman of the San Diego County Republican Party.

I’m not at the meeting, but I do have my moles.

More to follow. Congrats Tony!… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Izumi vs. A Hollywood Bimbo

My friend Lance Izumi, director of the Pacific Research Institute’s California Education Studies, recently was on a locally produced version of "The View" and over the weekend sent me a link to the video.

For anyone who is at all interested in education policy, this is a hysterical video to watch. And it is even funnier if you know Lance, a perpetually polite and well-spoken policy wonk who knows a ton about California‘s education system.

He’s interviewed, in this tape, by Spencer Christian, a local TV personality and host of "View from the Bay," and a guest host, Nancy… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The Christian Right’s “Dark Ideology”

I was catching up with my arts & culture reading over the weekend and was interested to see a story in the SF Chronicle about a radio station pulling a book ad off the air that attacked the Christian right after listeners called to complain. It’s not a headline that I would ever expect to see in the Chronicle!

You can read the whole article here, but the gist is that KDFC, a classical music station, pulled an advertisement for the book, "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on ," by Chris Hedges. Hedges is coming to San Francisco and his publisher had purchased some ad time to promote the book.

Given how left-wing San Francisco is, it was hard to imagine what prompted those listeners to call and complain (or there are more of us… Read More

Barry Jantz

Your New Myspace Friend…the Future President

Fleischman thinks he’s hot stuff because of all the mainpage "FlashCam" posts today on Mitt Romney’s visit. If Jon were hip, he’d cruise over to and become a "friend" of any presidential candidate he chooses, all of ’em if he likes.

Check out know that every candidate is an Internet predator when it comes to courting the under-30 crowd. As Paris Hilton would say, "It’s hot."

Jon, let’s make this a feature….State candidates’ videos, right on the FlashReport!

Here’s the AP-HiTech story:

Presidential Hopefuls Make Myspace Pages

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Prospective voters eager to learn more about John McCain or to become an Internet "friend" of Barack Obama now have a new online opportunity., the popular social networking site, on Sunday launched a section dedicated to the 2008 presidential election.

Called the Impact Channel,Read More