The new state public employee pension debt figures are out. Oh dear!
Recently I posted a blog item on California’s dismal “per household” debt for its underfunded public pensions. California was ranked as the third worst state with a debt of $77,700 — based on the 2014 figures. Alaska was easily the worst, with basket case Illinois edging us out for 2ndworst. http://riderrants.blogspot.com/2016/10/california-is-3-in-public-pension-debt.html Good news! The 2015 update is out!
The bad news? The 2015 update is out.
BOTTOM LINE: We blew passed Illinois. By a LOT. We locked up 2ndplace, as our situation got much worse in a single year. We went from $77,700 pension debt per household to $92,748. Inoneyear. Oh my!
Illinois is as bad as ever. We’re just “badder.” Illinois’ pension household obligation rose from $77,862 to “only”… Read More