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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Richard Rider

The new state public employee pension debt figures are out. Oh dear!

Recently I posted a blog item on California’s dismal “per household” debt for its underfunded public pensions. California was ranked as the third worst state with a debt of $77,700 — based on the 2014 figures. Alaska was easily the worst, with basket case Illinois edging us out for 2ndworst. Good news! The 2015 update is out!

The bad news? The 2015 update is out.

BOTTOM LINE: We blew passed Illinois. By a LOT. We locked up 2ndplace, as our situation got much worse in a single year. We went from $77,700 pension debt per household to $92,748. Inoneyear. Oh my!

Illinois is as bad as ever. We’re just “badder.” Illinois’ pension household obligation rose from $77,862 to “only”Read More

Hector Barajas

Staying Calm and Carrying On

It’s a bit over three weeks since Donald Trump pulled off his HUGE political upset. Some continue to cheer. Others are still trying to come to grips with the reality of a decisive vote, with someone that wins and someone that loses. Trump won, now what?

The answer variously shocks people who actually have their eyes open and dismays those that want this President-elect to fail because their candidate lost.

By every indication, Trump is going to govern as he promised. That is surprising to a large number of people still licking their metaphorical but painful wounds.

Trump… Read More

Richard Rider

Per capita federal taxes and spending — California vs. Texas

High-tax state defenders have pretty much run out of ammunition. Clearly the lower tax states are doing better in job creation, business generating, business retention, cost-of-living, prosperity and net immigration standpoint. The one “fact” the lefties still love to post in desperation is the assertion that the high tax tax states subsidize the low tax states through the federal collection and distribution system. There’s a grain of truth in the assertion, but a ton of manure is added to give the factor its desired decaying aroma.

It’s time we took a closer look at this basic tenet of our progressive friends — using the two most compared states — Texas and California. This rebuttal may get a little wonky at times, but for the serious defender of the taxpayers, this is crucial stuff. Once you grasp the basic facts, you can just post the URL to this article. Rest assured that your opponents will not read it — let alone understand it.

Since most of you won’t read this semi-academic treatise, here’s my bottom line conclusion — destroying this bogus claim. EXCERPT:… Read More

Katy Grimes

Mayors of Sanctuary Cities Who Flaunt Federal Law Should Be Arrested

The United States is either a nation of people ruled by laws and Constitution, or we are a nation ruled by ideological tyrants.One example of this is the illegal protecting by “Sanctuary cities” of convicted criminals.

“It is time to start locking up local officials like Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel for interfering with the enforcement of federal immigration law,” Matthew Vadum of Canada Free Press recently wrote.

Notably, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General published a… Read More

Jon Coupal


California breaking off into the ocean as a result of the “Big One” is science fiction fantasy to Hollywood, credible urban legend to citizens of Los Angeles and San Francisco and, perhaps, the secret hope of many Americans residing on the other side of the Sierras.

However, backers of a just filed initiative, “Calexit: The California Independence Plebiscite of 2019,” want a different sort of California breakaway. They envision the state as a “free, sovereign and independent country.” Although the effort began several years ago, secessionists have been bolstered by those suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome – a condition where “alt left” adherents lose their minds over the thought of a Trump presidency.

A spokesman for the movement cites California’s different culture, different set of priorities, and different plans for the future as a justification for breaking away from the rest of the country.

To read the entire column click here More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: A host of post-election news

Some worthwhile reading from the last few days…

Measure A lost. Here’s what SANDAG opponents want us to do now.

by Barrett Tetlow in the SDUT

“In the aftermath of Measure A’s defeat, SANDAG elites are asking the question “What happened?” The answer is they were completely tone-deaf. They have an opportunity to learn the right lessons from this election — or they will be doomed to repeat this current failure.”

Read it all here.


What An Election: The Polling Earthquake, Big Wins in SD & More

San Diego voter turnout was high and many are asking about the future of polling.

Competitive Edge Research & Communications provides a trove of insights from the election.

Read the newsletter.


Speaking of CompetitiveRead More

Richard Rider

California is #3 in “public pension debt per household”

Below is a discouraging chart, ranking the states’ projected public employee pension debt (shortfall) per household. California is in 3rd place, but essentially is in a tie for 2nd worst with basket case Illinois. The worst state by far is Alaska, a state that bet the farm on endless oil company tax revenues so they didn’t fund their state employee pensions much at all.

One takeaway that isn’t discussed in the analysis but should be emphasized: EVERY state has an unfunded (taxpayer) liability for these guaranteed pensions. Every single one!

Clearly these “defined benefit” plans are universally abused by politicians — giving away lush underfunded benefits today that must be paid by others years down the road. The federal government should use the tax code to end the deductibility of guaranteed pension contributions — making such guaranteed pensions illegal for new employees, and frozen for existing employees, allowing no further participation. Replace these abusive pensions with non-guaranteed 401k-type retirement… Read More

Richard Rider

Comparison of California state income tax with other states

Since California voters have voted to make the temporary “soak the rich” state income tax essentially a permanent levy, it’s worth looking at just what this means for the wealthy, and what their residency options are. Here’s a summary of the California state individual income tax, compared with the other 49 states. It is excerpted from my dreary fact sheet “California vs. the Other States”:

I’m posting the helpful chart comparing brackets — a newer chart than I’ve referenced before. New though it is, it’s already outdated:

1. Tennessee has TOTALLY repealed their state income tax. Previously they taxed only interest and dividends, but they’ve dropped that tax starting in 2016.

2. New Hampshire also exempts earned income — taxing only interest and dividends at 5%.

EXCERPT: … Read More

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