Say It Ain’t So, Jim
I simply could not believe it when I opened the paper this morning and read the following quote from "Republican" San Diego Councilman Jim Madaffer:
"At end of the day I know why we have these problems," Councilman Jim Madaffer said, "it’s because the city of San Diego has an underfunding problem."
I know Jim Madaffer pretty well. I know his heart is in the right place. The problem is, I question where his head is. I believe that he still does not recognize that the City of San Diego has one of the nation’s most irresponsible records on the spending of taxpayer dollars. That they have blown hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on outrageous pensions and chronic waste, fraud, and mismanagement. That taxpayers should not and will not stand for pouring more of their money into thispit until the spending is brought under control, and accountability measure are put into place.
The problem, Councilman Madaffer, is not that the taxpayers arehaven’t thrown City Hall even more money. City Hall’s budget has increased dramatically over the past several years. The problem is that you and… Read More