Posted by Michael Der Manouel, Jr. at 12:00 am on Apr 02, 2007 Comments Off on Feinstein Just Another Phony Leftist Shill
I used to believe there was a difference between Senators
Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. Boxer was (and is)
always the shrill airhead attack dog, while Feinstein carried
herself in a statesmanlike manner. As a result, the GOP was
always far more interested in giving Boxer a spirited challenge
while recognizing that Feinstein, while not ideologically
dissimilar to Boxer, was at least perceived as an adult.
No longer.
Today the senior Senator was in the Central Valley touting
freeze relief for citrus farmers. Surrounded by all the usual
suspects – Republicans sucking up to the power, Feinstein lamented
the plight of the poor farmer. After all, the freeze relief
is attached to the Iraq war funding bill, which the President has
promised to veto due to its unique "planned surrender" feature.
Feinstein actually defended the relief funds being placed in the
middle of a war supplemental bill. With her comments, she
moves into the phony leftist shill column with her sister Boxer and
others of their ilk, such as Ted Kennedy. It was hard to
decide who looked more foolish. Feinstein or the Republican farmers
standing behind her as she… Read More