Federation For American Immigration Reform To Host National Drive For Anti-Illegal Immigration Measures In Nation’s Capital
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has announced plans for their annual “Hold Their Feet To The Fire” rally and citizen lobbying effort in Washington, DC. FAIR organizers promise hundreds of immigration reform supporters will be in Washington during April 22-25, 2007 to discuss comprehensive measures to combat illegal immigration.
During the three-day confab, participants will be treated to dozens of talk radio personalities who will be broadcasting live from the event. Among those expected to attend the conference are hugely popular Southern California talkers John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou (“John and Ken”) of KFI Radio.
Information on the event From FAIR’s website, www.fairus.org:
There’s an old expression that if you want to get politicians to see the light, make them feel the heat. That’s just what FAIR and dozens of radio talk show hosts from around the country are planning in April.
FAIR’s annual Hold Their Feet to the Fire rally in Washington DC will be held April 22nd to the 25th.
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