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Mike Spence

Gary Miller Getting “Pomboed”?

Last cycle Dems and their allies starting beating up Congressman Pombo well in advance of the 2006 election. This cycle they are back, this time targeting Congressman Gary Miller for some tax issues he may or may not have. See article here.

Where are the ads against Sanchez or McNerney??… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats have a new tax just for you! Actually, quite a few…

In case you were wondering if the Democrats in Sacramento are out to reach further into the pockets of every taxpayer in California, here’s a list of tax hike measures introduced by Democrats, moving forward in the legislature right now… Paving the Way for Higher Car Taxes for California Motorists Democrats have introduced several bills to raise the car tax on California motorists, who already are struggling to pay high gas prices.

Senate Bill 240, by Sen. Dean Florez, D-Shafter, would allow an unelected body in the Central Valley to increase the car tax on Valley motorists to as high as $30 – without a vote of the people. They would also be able to impose a new $300-a-year tax on “stationary” sources of air pollution, such as homes, businesses, and farm equipment. Assembly Bill 444, by Asm. Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley, enables two governing bodies in Alameda and Contra Costa … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 73: Hard Charging Harkey

Bleary eyed this morning, I missed OC Register Political Reporter Martin Wisckol’s Buzz column this morning, and it was virtually all devoted to the strong-start of the candidacy of Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey’s campaign to succeed Mimi Walters as the Assemblywoman in the 73rd District (mostly southern Orange County and some of northern San Diego County).

Wisckol’s column begins:

Diane Harkey is giving a textbook performance of how to clear the field for a state legislative race.

She wants to replace Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, who’ll be termed out next year (unless voters are charmed into extending term limits in the February election). Harkey, currently mayor of Dana Point, comes to the table with these assets:Read More

Jon Fleischman

John Fund: Fred Thompson to speak to OC Lincoln Club… Then Leno… Big announcement?

But Will They Vote for Him in Vicksburg and Richmond?

Skeptics of a Fred Thompson presidential bid say he would face a daunting task of having to raise $1.5 million a week in order to build a $50 million campaign kitty by the end of the year. Some believe that with so many key GOP fundraisers already locked up, it’s unlikely Mr. Thompson would have the table stakes to get into the presidential game.

But Mr. Thompson has some free media cards to play so long as he is a non-candidate. On May 4, he will travel to Orange County, California to speak at the prestigious Lincoln Club, the political dinner group that has traditionally hosted GOP presidential candidates in what is often called… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Legislators Sign ATR No New Taxes Pledge – No Tax Increase Can Pass In The Legislature!

The Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge is very straight forward. It reads:

I, ____________, pledge to the taxpayers of the _____ district of the State of _________ and to all the people of this state, that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.

Such a simple pledge make the contrast between the Republican and Democrat Parties as clear as it can be. A look at our California Congressional delegation shows that every single Republican has signed this pledge, and that not one Democrat has done so.

Today at 11 a.m., Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, along with State Senator Tom McClintock and other legislative Republicans will be holding a press conference where they will announce that enough State Legislators have signed the ATR Taxpayer Protection Pledge to guarantee that there are not the required 2/3 votes in either the State Senate or the State Assembly to pass a tax increase.

At the press event, it will be announced… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Legislators Sign ATR No New Taxes Pledge – No Tax Increase Can Pass In The Legislature!

The Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge is very straight forward. It reads:

I, ____________, pledge to the taxpayers of the _____ district of the State of _________ and to all the people of this state, that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.

Such a simple pledge make the contrast between the Republican and Democrat Parties as clear as it can be. A look at our California Congressional delegation shows that every single Republican has signed this pledge, and that not one Democrat has done so.

Today at 11 a.m., Grover Norquist, the President of Americans for Tax Reform, along with State Senator Tom McClintock and other legislative Republicans will be holding a press conference where they will announce that enough State Legislators have signed the ATR Taxpayer Protection Pledge to guarantee that there are not the required 2/3 votes in either the State Senate or the State Assembly to pass a tax increase.

At the press event, it will be announced… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Politicians

In light of all the latest in the scandal-ridden world the public sees that is the political arena, I thought I would share this campaign poster I ran across at a school campus the other day. The name has of course been left off to protect the…candidate.

Yes, politicians are role models. Young people watch what those that are in charge say and do and ‘learn’ that is how business is done. Like this current early primary/term limit deception isn’t fooling anyone I talk to. This poster reminds me of a statement back in the mid 90’s that, if memory serves, I think Clinton apologist [now Congressman] Rahm Emanuel was saying on one of the Sunday AM news shows in defending the latest Clinton deception then, when he said, "Well, the President has kept all the campaign promises that he intended to." Oh. Thanks Rahm.

At least this candidate for school secretary has tossed in a disclaimer with this head-fake tohis/her schoolmatecolleagues, "You’re not going to Disneyland!"… Read More

James V. Lacy

Assemblyman Levine explains his state-sponsored Gubernatorial debate bill, AB 970

Assemblyman Lloyd Levine’s (D- S.F. Valley) bill to initiate a state-sponsored Gubernatorial Debate Commission chosen by the Secretary of State, and three state-sponsored Gubernatorial debates, AB 970,will be heard in the Assembly Elections Committee on April 17. Here is a recent email from Assemblyman Levine explaining his bill: First of all, the brief background on the bill: I came up with the idea watching the farce that supposedly passed for a gubernatorial debate last fall between Angelides and Schwarzenegger. For those of you who don’t remember or didn’t see it, the debate was on a Saturday night at 6:00 at the same time as a World Series game, and a relatively important college football game (although I can’t remember which two teams, I think one of them was Cal). The questions and format really weren’t conducive to eliciting any useful information for the voters. I also got tired of, over the years, watching one candidate or the other trying to manipulate the format to their advantage. I figured I would try to do something about it, and if nothing else stimulate some debate on the subject of debates.

I knew that I… Read More