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No Tran v. Nguyen battle brewing

As if newly elected OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen didn’t have enough to deal with (having just won by three votes and still facing a legal challenges to her seat) this morning the Capitol Morning Report pulled a two-year-old press release from the CalChamber web site talking about their support for Supervisor Nguyen’s run at Assemblyman Van Tran’s 68th Assembly District seat (even though Van is not termed out until 2010. NOT TRUE (well the part about the Chamber support is or was…read on).

Back when the jockeying for Joe Dunn’s 34th Senate seat was happening Assemblyman Van Tran was the likely GOP nominee and at that time then-Councilwoman Janet Nguyen was on track to run to replace Tran. Janet Nguyen a former local chamber government affairs exec. had the support of the CalChamber. When Tran decided to stick it out in the Assembly, the whole thing became moot.

According to FR publisher Jon Fleischman, who has been in contact with the Capitol Morning Report and CalChamber today, the correction will be published tomorrow.

While it might have been a fun war to watch, don’t count on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

OC Supe Race: Clarification on the Action of the Appeals Court

Earlier in the week, I posted on a decision by the Court of Appeals in Orange County agreeing to hear arguments on a writ filing on behalf of Trung Nguyen, who won the election day balloting for First District Supervisor, but in a recount, was deemed by the Orange County Registrar of Voters to then be the loser. Janet Nguyen was sworn in after being certified with margin of votes you could count on two hands. Anyway, I threw out an amazing statistic about how the Appeals Court only hears 1 in 100 or so writs that are filed with the court, and made it sound like that hurdle had been jumped by Trung’s legal team.

In another reminder of why we should let lawyers blog about this legal-beagle stuff, I was wrong. The Court has not agreed to hear the matter, they have agreed to take written testimony on why they should or should not hear the matter.

So while I would imagine it is not that easy to get even to the point where the Appellate Court wants to hear such arguments, Trung Nguyen’s legal challenge to the original Judge’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Lord save us from the Press Releases of GOP Legislators

Today, the FlashReport makes a humble request of Republican legislators in the State Capitol. Back up, and take a 30,000 foot view of what is going on in the State Capitol BEFORE you write your press releases. This time a year, faxes machines and e-mail accounts are being filled up with thousands of press releases from legislative offices touting legislation that has passed out of Committees. Note to Republicans: The Democrats KILL almost all truly meaningful pieces of legislation proposed by Republicans. This has led, over time, to a few things. First and foremost, less and less truly meaningful pieces of legislation are being introduced by Republicans, which is understandable. Were I in the legislature, I might say to myself, "Why bother introducing a bill to lower income tax rates in California?" given that we know the outcome — certain death. In addition, we see more and more bills being introduced by Republicans that make you scratch your head, and wonder, "Is this why we send folks to Sacramento?" Don’t get me wrong, many of these GOP bills achieve some important ‘technical fix’ or… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lord save us from the Press Releases of GOP Legislators

Today, the FlashReport makes a humble request of Republican legislators in the State Capitol. Back up, and take a 30,000 foot view of what is going on in the State Capitol BEFORE you write your press releases. This time a year, faxes machines and e-mail accounts are being filled up with thousands of press releases from legislative offices touting legislation that has passed out of Committees. Note to Republicans: The Democrats KILL almost all truly meaningful pieces of legislation proposed by Republicans. This has led, over time, to a few things. First and foremost, less and less truly meaningful pieces of legislation are being introduced by Republicans, which is understandable. Were I in the legislature, I might say to myself, "Why bother introducing a bill to lower income tax rates in California?" given that we know the outcome — certain death. In addition, we see more and more bills being introduced by Republicans that make you scratch your head, and wonder, "Is this why we send folks to Sacramento?" Don’t get me wrong, many of these GOP bills achieve some important ‘technical fix’ or… Read More

Tab Berg

Craig MacGlashan is new Sac County GOP Chair

Sacramento County Republican Party just elected Craig MacGlashan as County Party Chair by a 27 to 15 margin.

MacGlashan had nearly universal support from GOP elected officials and had an effective whip program to help propel his strong victory.

Craig has been clear his goal is to emphasize political basics — raising funds, registering voters and turning out GOP to help elect Republicans — especially at the local level.

If San Diego, San Bernardino, Monterey or Santa Clara Counties are any indication, Sacramento will see a strong surge in GOP effectiveness in the coming elections!

Good luck to Craig and his new team!… Read More

Tab Berg

MacGlashan running for re-election, supports Sander in AD10

Earlier, fellow blogger Tom Ross complimented County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan for her tough stand to protect children and noted that her conservative votes and effectiveness on the Board positioned her well for a GOP primary in AD 10.

Tom’s assessment was right – but MacGlashan is running for re-election to the Board of Supervisors – and she’s endorsed Rancho Cordova Mayor David Sander for AD 10. (disclaimer: McGlashan and Sander are clients of TABcommunications).

Sander currently serves as Mayor of one of the largest cities in AD 10 and is an impressive fundraiser – he’s raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for his city council races and nearly $1 million for community causes over the past couple of years. Sander announced today, and has already lined up numerous area GOP elected officials – including MacGlashan, Supervisor Susan Peters, Elk Grove Councilwoman Sophia Scherman, Rancho Cordova Council… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Releases New CA Endorsements…

I’m on Blackberry, but just got the heads up from the Giuliani campaign on new endorsements from CA…

From their release:

New York City –The Giuliani Campaign announced today that Mayor Rudy Giuliani bolstered his California team by picking up more key endorsements throughout the state.

Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian, Assemblyman Cameron Smyth, and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner today signaled their support for Rudy Giuliani for President. Los Angeles County Supervisors Michael Antonovich and Don Knabe also announced their endorsement for Mayor Giuliani.

Mayor Giuliani has garnered significant support among key Republican leaders at all levels of government, including county, state, and federal representatives. Recently, U.S. Congressmen Ed Royce and George Radanovich joined Rep. David Dreier, Rep. Mary Bono, Rep. Devin Nunes, and Rep. Jerry Lewis as part of Team Rudy.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Announces More California Supporters

For those of you that missed it, below is my exclusive interview with Mayor Giuliani from last month (it’s in two parts). FLASHREPORT INTERVIEW WITH RUDY, PART 1 FLASHREPORT INTERVIEW WITH RUDY, PART 2Read More