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Tab Berg

Craig MacGlashan is new Sac County GOP Chair

Sacramento County Republican Party just elected Craig MacGlashan as County Party Chair by a 27 to 15 margin.

MacGlashan had nearly universal support from GOP elected officials and had an effective whip program to help propel his strong victory.

Craig has been clear his goal is to emphasize political basics — raising funds, registering voters and turning out GOP to help elect Republicans — especially at the local level.

If San Diego, San Bernardino, Monterey or Santa Clara Counties are any indication, Sacramento will see a strong surge in GOP effectiveness in the coming elections!

Good luck to Craig and his new team!… Read More

Tab Berg

MacGlashan running for re-election, supports Sander in AD10

Earlier, fellow blogger Tom Ross complimented County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan for her tough stand to protect children and noted that her conservative votes and effectiveness on the Board positioned her well for a GOP primary in AD 10.

Tom’s assessment was right – but MacGlashan is running for re-election to the Board of Supervisors – and she’s endorsed Rancho Cordova Mayor David Sander for AD 10. (disclaimer: McGlashan and Sander are clients of TABcommunications).

Sander currently serves as Mayor of one of the largest cities in AD 10 and is an impressive fundraiser – he’s raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for his city council races and nearly $1 million for community causes over the past couple of years. Sander announced today, and has already lined up numerous area GOP elected officials – including MacGlashan, Supervisor Susan Peters, Elk Grove Councilwoman Sophia Scherman, Rancho Cordova Council… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Releases New CA Endorsements…

I’m on Blackberry, but just got the heads up from the Giuliani campaign on new endorsements from CA…

From their release:

New York City –The Giuliani Campaign announced today that Mayor Rudy Giuliani bolstered his California team by picking up more key endorsements throughout the state.

Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian, Assemblyman Cameron Smyth, and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner today signaled their support for Rudy Giuliani for President. Los Angeles County Supervisors Michael Antonovich and Don Knabe also announced their endorsement for Mayor Giuliani.

Mayor Giuliani has garnered significant support among key Republican leaders at all levels of government, including county, state, and federal representatives. Recently, U.S. Congressmen Ed Royce and George Radanovich joined Rep. David Dreier, Rep. Mary Bono, Rep. Devin Nunes, and Rep. Jerry Lewis as part of Team Rudy.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Announces More California Supporters

For those of you that missed it, below is my exclusive interview with Mayor Giuliani from last month (it’s in two parts). FLASHREPORT INTERVIEW WITH RUDY, PART 1 FLASHREPORT INTERVIEW WITH RUDY, PART 2Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Thursday Thoughts

Have you ever read the story of Chicken Little? An acorn falls on his head that he proceeds to whip up everyone in his land up into a frenzy that the sky is falling? I am reminded of that story when I read poll results that show many Californians so worried about global warming. Lately, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been like Chicken Little with a megaphone, so of course everyone is worked up. Eventually, in the story, everyone realizes that the sky, of course, is not falling. The question I have is how much freedom and liberty will be eroded because an acorn fell on Al Gore’s head? A reader pointed out to me that the Communications Director for the California Restaurant Association, Jordan Traverso, has left there to accept a new job with the Consumer Attorneys of California (formerly the California Trial Lawyers Association). Suggestion for the CRA — you should replace Traverso with someone who actually believes that trial lawyers bear much of the blame for the high costs of operating restaurants! There is a story today about hi-speed rail travel. I am sure I speak for … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Thursday Thoughts

Have you ever read the story of Chicken Little? An acorn falls on his head that he proceeds to whip up everyone in his land up into a frenzy that the sky is falling? I am reminded of that story when I read poll results that show many Californians so worried about global warming. Lately, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been like Chicken Little with a megaphone, so of course everyone is worked up. Eventually, in the story, everyone realizes that the sky, of course, is not falling. The question I have is how much freedom and liberty will be eroded because an acorn fell on Al Gore’s head? A reader pointed out to me that the Communications Director for the California Restaurant Association, Jordan Traverso, has left there to accept a new job with the Consumer Attorneys of California (formerly the California Trial Lawyers Association). Suggestion for the CRA — you should replace Traverso with someone who actually believes that trial lawyers bear much of the blame for the high costs of operating restaurants! There is a story today about hi-speed rail travel. I am sure I speak for … Read More

Carl Fogliani

Baumann Making Moves in AD 10 Race

Currently held by Alan Nakanishi, the race in the 10th district is starting to come into shape. The strongest candidates making moves early on have been Paul Hegyi (Assemblyman Tran COS), David Sander (Mayor of Rancho Cordova), and Jack Sieglock (former San Joaquin County Supervisor). After a recent conversation I held with El Dorado County Supervisor Helen Baumann it now seems there are four at the head of the pack.

Baumann has hired consultant Jim Nygren and has strong ties in the wine industry which will help not only in Amador but in San Joaquin as well. If Baumann can make inroads into Lodi’s wine industry in San Joaquin it will make life much more difficult for Sieglock, who needs to have a solid win out of San Joaquin to win. Now the question is if Rusty DuPray, her colleague in El Dorado gets into the race. Two candidates splitting such a small geographic region could easily isolate them both.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Schwarzenegger is what?

"’Schwarzenegger is what conservatives think the future is,’ says Gerald Dorfman, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and an expert on British and European politics."


Are these think tank guys mental? Let’s put aside social issues. We knew what we were getting there. How is running a structural deficit in any way related to what conservatives think our future is. I respected the Governor until November, 2005. Now, I don’t at all, politically. You cannot reward his spending all of our record revenue increases, continued borrowing, and stumping for necessary but unnaffordable bond measures as "business savvy". It isn’t. And we will be paying dearly for all of this inside of 18 months. Take it to the bank.

The Governor could have won re-election easily and balanced the budget at the same time and made a conscious decision not to. That is not conservatism, nor is it its future. It’s the same failed policy that led to our ouster in Washington last November.… Read More