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Jennifer Nelson

Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums Wants Drug Dealers to Get Food Stamps

Yesterday the Democrats passed a bill out of the Assembly Human Services committee that would allow felons convicted of selling illegal drugs to get food stamps (AB 508, authored by Assemblyman Sandre Swanson).

A little background: Currently, federal law imposes a lifetime ban on food stamps and other welfare-related benefits for people with felony drug convictions. However, federal law allows states to opt out of this provision. In 1997, California declined to opt out when we passed our welfare reform package. According to the legislative analysis of AB 508, a 2005 report of the Sentencing Project reports that 11 states, plus the District of Columbia, have entirely opted out of the ban. An additional 14 states have partially opted out of the ban, either by limiting the ban to certain offenses (such as sale or trafficking) or establishing qualifying conditions which relate to participation in or completion of drug treatment programs. Governor Gray Davis vetoed several attempts to overturn the lifetime ban during his tenure. Three attempts were made to run bills that would have softened, but not have completely lifted, the ban. He vetoed… Read More

Jon Fleischman

We need legislation to regulate “Legislative Living Homes”

(A tongue-in-cheek post, with a serious thought at the end…) My State Senator, Repubican State Senator Tom Harman, recently held a little contest in his district where he asked for suggestions from local students on potential legislation. For the winner of the contest for the best bill idea, who happened to be a local high school student, Harman agreed to introduce their suggestion as legislation. I would like to encourage the Senator to have another contest. This one would be to ask bloggers in his district for our ideas for legislation. In anticipate of the Senator seeing the wisdom of this idea, I am going to get ahead of the game by laying out my proposed legislation right now! In the Sacramento area, there is a home being used for business purposes in a residential neighborhood. What’s happenning is that this that every room in this home has been rented a transient occupant — specifically, state legislators! For our… Read More

Jon Fleischman


Last night, the Newport Beach City Council definately decided to place politics over principle in a decision to declare a 45 moratorium on the permitting if transient housing in the city. Aime

The Council voted unanimously (with Don Webb absent) to impose this rediculous restriction on property owners in their own city.

Courtesy of the City of Newport Beach website, you can contact these folks below.

District 1 Michael F. Henn (2010) Read More

Duane Dichiara

Breaking the Bosses’ Back

Every once in a long while a tide shift occurs in government that shifts power. In the form of a vote on firefighter’s raises, such a tide shift happened in the City of San Diego Tuesday afternoon.

At stake was actually much more than a raise firefighter union leaders wanted. At stake was who is in charge: the public employee union leaderswho, with the labor funded city council of now-disgraced Mayor Dick Murphy, drove San Diego to the verge of bankruptcy OR Republican Mayor Sanders and the reformers.

The vote on labor’s desiredraises was 4 to 4, a deadlock which ment no action (who besides the City of San Diego would have an even number of councilmembers?). Then the Mayor’s proposal to instead simply fix the firefighter’s ailing healthcare plan passed 6 to 2.

For more insight into this glorious revolution see today’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: SD 19 Update: With Mike Stoker’s endorsement, Tony Strickland is sitting pretty to succeed Tom McClintock

Next year, conservative icon Tom McClintock will reach the limit of his allowable service in the State Senate under the term limits approved by California voters in 1990. McClintock’s 19th State Senate District, which is centered in Ventura County, stretches from Santa Barbara down to Los Angeles County (and even includes the Channel Islands), is favorable to a Republican candidate. As just about every FR reader knows, former Assemblyman Tony Strickland (pictured to the left), fresh off of the statewide campaign trail in 2006 where he failed in his bid to become California’s next Controller, is now running an aggressive campaign to succeed McClintock. The Assembly District that Tony represented for six years is fully within the Senate seat, and is currently (and conveniently) occupied by his wife, Audra, who is in the middle of her second two-year term… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SD 19 Update: With Mike Stoker’s endorsement, Tony Strickland is sitting pretty to succeed Tom McClintock

Next year, conservative icon Tom McClintock will reach the limit of his allowable service in the State Senate under the term limits approved by California voters in 1990. McClintock’s 19th State Senate District, which is centered in Ventura County, stretches from Santa Barbara down to Los Angeles County (and even includes the Channel Islands), is favorable to a Republican candidate. As just about every FR reader knows, former Assemblyman Tony Strickland (pictured to the left), fresh off of the statewide campaign trail in 2006 where he failed in his bid to become California’s next Controller, is now running an aggressive campaign to succeed McClintock. The Assembly District that Tony represented for six years is fully within the Senate seat, and is currently (and conveniently) occupied by his wife, Audra, who is in the middle of her second two-year term… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Californians Denied A Vote On Water Storage By Senate Committee

Senator Dave Cogdill’s bill, SB 59, to build much needed water supply via new dams,was defeated this morning in the Senate Natural Resources and Water[less] Committee, by a party line vote of the 3 Reps aye and 4 Dems no, with one Dem abstaining.

Statements in opposition include that lakes cause global warming and that even though there will be 12 million more Californians by 2030, that we will be using less water in totalby then. This is the kind of genuine give and take we have when discussing water policy in this state. Look for this to become an initiative, where I believe that voters will see through the distorted logicand support new water supply. Too bad this legislature cannot see the light and place it on the ballot itself, giving the voters the option without an expensive qualification petition effort… Read More

Mike Spence

Pro-abortion Radicals Hijack SB 850

SB 850 by Republican Abel Maldonado and Democrat Lou Correa was a simple bill. The bill would allow mothers to request a "certificate of birth resulting from stillbirth". This seems simple enough. Women who feel the need to recognize their child would have that option. This seems like a compassionate bi-partisan bill. And it was until Sheila Kuehl and the lobbyists at Planned Parenthood got hold of it in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Despite Maldonado’s attempt to have an up and down vote, the committee added language that "(j) (1) Through its courts, statutes, and under its Constitution, California protects a woman’s right to reproductive privacy. California reaffirms these protections and specifically its Supreme Court decision in People v. Belous (1969) 71 Cal.2d 954, 966-68..”Read More