Coming to Your Block: Sober Living Homes!
Well, I take it from Mr. Fleischman’s ongoing posts on the topic of Senator Harman’s SB 1000, a that ended its life in committee recently, that he is itching for a debate on the topic. I somehow think that Jon would be less zealous in his position if it were his property value being quashed, but all the same here we go…
Many inaccuracies concerning sober living homes (SLH’s) come from the misconception that a SLH is anything with six beds or under. This is not the case. A SLH has nothing to do with the number of beds but rather with the services offered. A SLH is a SLH if it has 10 people in it – not just “six and under.”
By way of explanation, there are three types of facilities: treatment, maintenance and sober living homes. Treatment and maintenance facilities offer detoxification, educational counseling, individual or group counseling sessions and treatment or recovery planning. These facilities, unlike SLH’s, are authorized to receive public funds. A SLH offers none of these services and are basically the “last stop” before a person who has gone through successful treatment and maintenance successfully… Read More