Happy Birthday, California Republican Party!
Why would otherwise intelligent and practical men create a new political party? They might if times were extreme and the social fabric was deteriorating. California after it was admitted in 1850, elected two pro slavery democrat governors, and one anti-Chinese democrat governor, although it was a "free" state.
Democrat Governor Peter Burnett [1849-1851 – pictured to the left] was not only pro slavery but vigorously pushed legislation to prevent freed blacks tolive in California.The second Governor, Democrat James McDougall 1851-1852 supported the pro slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act. The third democrat John Bigler, while not aggressively pro slavery , supported laws against Asians and"vehemently denounced Chinese immigration."
Such sentiments were not the thinking of enlightened free souls.
By 1856 California had three political parties, Democrats, Whigs and the anti Asian KnowNothing Party. Coming to the… Read More