Congressman David Dreier’s (Giuliani Campaign) Post-Debate Thoughts
California Congessman David Dreier is a supporter of Rudy Giuliani.. Rudy Giuliani kicked off last night’s debate with an emphasis on optimism. It was an entirely appropriate emphasis given the setting of the Reagan Library. As Rudy said, President Reagan led with optimism and on the strengths of this great country. Over the course of the debate, Rudy demonstrated he is the candidate that can lead as Reagan did, with optimism and strength.
I believe Rudy can win California and the election in 2008. The polls look the way they do for a reason. Rudy’s lead is real and last night we saw why. He was thoughtful. He was authentic. And he made clear that he plans to take the Reagan conservative principles he used to tackle crime, cut taxes and provide forward looking leadership to the White House.
Legitimately putting California in play for our Republican nominee will be… Read More