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Jon Fleischman

Congressman David Dreier’s (Giuliani Campaign) Post-Debate Thoughts

California Congessman David Dreier is a supporter of Rudy Giuliani.. Rudy Giuliani kicked off last night’s debate with an emphasis on optimism. It was an entirely appropriate emphasis given the setting of the Reagan Library. As Rudy said, President Reagan led with optimism and on the strengths of this great country. Over the course of the debate, Rudy demonstrated he is the candidate that can lead as Reagan did, with optimism and strength.

I believe Rudy can win California and the election in 2008. The polls look the way they do for a reason. Rudy’s lead is real and last night we saw why. He was thoughtful. He was authentic. And he made clear that he plans to take the Reagan conservative principles he used to tackle crime, cut taxes and provide forward looking leadership to the White House.

Legitimately putting California in play for our Republican nominee will be… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: First GOP Debate: Format is the loser — But read on to see who fared the best…

Today we feature a good amount of coverage on last night’s GOP Presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley. We have post debate ‘spin’ from representatives of the three ‘front-runner’ candidates — Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney — as well as a note from Duncan Hunter’s campaign. As of my writing this, a couple of members of our FR team have penned their observations over on the blog page, and we, of course, feature on the main page an extensive listing of articles from around California (and a few nationally) about the debate. I will make a few general observations about the debate.

With the field of candidates so wide (ten), there was not enough time in an hour-long debate for any one candidate to really take command and leave this debate in a substantially better position than before. I was really impressed with Sam Brownback’s performance. That was the most notable surprise to me. I think … Read More

Jon Fleischman

First GOP Debate: Format is the loser — But read on to see who fared the best…

Today we feature a good amount of coverage on last night’s GOP Presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley. We have post debate ‘spin’ from representatives of the three ‘front-runner’ candidates — Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney — as well as a note from Duncan Hunter’s campaign. As of my writing this, a couple of members of our FR team have penned their observations over on the blog page, and we, of course, feature on the main page an extensive listing of articles from around California (and a few nationally) about the debate. I will make a few general observations about the debate.

With the field of candidates so wide (ten), there was not enough time in an hour-long debate for any one candidate to really take command and leave this debate in a substantially better position than before. I was really impressed with Sam Brownback’s performance. That was the most notable surprise to me. I think … Read More

Brandon Powers

On Perspective, Contrasts, & An Owed Apology

By the magic of TIVO, I joined the debate fun a few hours after all the hoopla had already beenwrapped up. For while in the world of us politicos Thursday was a big day – akin maybe to the dual characteristics of sloppiness and potential that define NFL Training Camp or Baseball Spring Training – it also marked the 56th Annual National Day of Prayer, something that for me put all the political stuff in its rightful context.

Up in my neck of the woods, a great event marking the occasion was organized by two local conservative leaders, Dan Kirby and Peter Amundson – Councilmembers of Monrovia and Arcadia respectively. The guest speaker was my friend Captain Tim Escobar, fresh back from flying attack helicopters and training Iraqi forces. I had forgotten what a commanding speaker Tim was, and found myself pleasantly captivated by his weaving of history, storytelling, and offering a compelling message, all seamlessly.

Tim offeredhis takeof why we’re there, why we can’t leave until the job is done, and how America is changing perceptions of the West and of Christian nations by giving the Iraqis something they’ve never had: hope.

Coming home… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Debate Brings Sanity Back to National Debate

Tonight’s debate was like watching an NFL training camp in it’s early weeks of the summer. Some of the players obviously had the tools to survive the first rounds of cuts in the money primary and early primaries and caucuses while others had trouble showing the crowd they belong at this level of the game. Here is how I saw the players and their performances as if they were fighting to win the job of Republican Quarterback.

Ron Paul: Obvously the first cut. The libertarian stuff can be cute sometimes but his archaic foreign policy views and no national following of consequence mean it’s time to run for re-election to the House. Looked a little too much like Ross Perot for my comfort.

Tommy Thompson: There was a time when Tommy had tools and would have been intriguing as a candidate coming to camp. Unfortunately for him, it’s been a long time since he’s played at the level that would make you think hard about keeping him on the squad. Boring. He’ll be lucky to make it to the first states.

Fred Thompson: Currently absent from camp and has been placed on the "Did Not Report" List. Hard to win… Read More

Tab Berg

Presidential debate – Surprises, spin or more ho-hum

FIrst the debate won’t really change anything — Guiliani, McCain and Romney will still be the front-runners tomorrow (with Fred Thompson as a popular, undeclared alternative). Bottom line is that they have the money, organization and support to win votes and compete nationally.

There were no real losers. Everyone looked credible and serious — and, other than Cong. Ron Paul, mostly agreed on the issues.

While I have been impressed with Giuliani as a solid front-runner, Romney got the biggest boost from his performance at the just concluded Presidential debate. And, this being his de jure introduction to the nation, the time could not have been better for his campaign.

Romney looked Presidential, handled questions with aplomb and gave credible responses to critiques that he’d flipped on key issues.

McCain made no fatal mistakes — but hit no long drives either.

Rudy looked tentative and seemed to stumble overRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Some Initial Thoughts On Tonight’s GOP Debate

I’m going to play the "who won the debate?" I don’t think anyone is going to win a forum with 10 candidates — although I did receive a press release from the Mitt Romney campaign at precisely 6:30 p.m. (the time the debate ended) declaring Mitt Romney the winner.

Rather, this is the candidates’ first opportunity to make a good impression on Republicans voters while side-by-side with their nomination rivals, and I think that’s how they were approaching it.

That’s said, I sat down to watch the debate not having endorsed any candidate. When the debate ended, I still hadn’t endorsed anyone. In fact, I fell asleep during the last 15 minutes – I was tired and it was a long program.

Speaking of the format: can we discard the "Interactive Round" segment next time? It injected the debate with a game show feel — I half-expected the candidates to ask Chris Matthews, "I’ll take tax cuts for $500, Chris." Plus, the e-mailed questions were often lame: "What don’t you like about America?"

I don’t think any of the first-tier candidates committed any fatal… Read More

Jill Buck

McCain will fare best with Chris Matthews on the “Reagan Stage”

I’ve been watching MSNBC’s day-long coverage of the debate tonight, and many of the Democraticpundits who’ve been interviewed have made mention that none of the GOP candidates can compare to the legacy of President Reagan, and will all pale on the stage in his library tonight. But I disagree…I dug through my bookshelf this morning and pulled out three books: “The Greatest Communicator” by Dick Wirthlin, Reagan’s chief political strategist; “American, Beyond our Grandest Notions” by Chris Matthews; and “Hardball” also by Chris Matthews.

Chris Matthews will moderate the debate tonight, and he knew President Reagan up close and personal when he served as Tip O’Neill’s chief of staff. In both his books, Matthews speaks with respect for President Reagan on a number of characteristics: his rebellious nature to buck conventional political wisdom; his status as the perennial “outsider” vs. the career politician, though he had been involved in politics since the Goldwater days; and his ability to communicate to Americans in a “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” style. Reagan was eternally patriotic, and loved Americans as much as he loved… Read More