Today’s Commentary: Potential Contenders Continue To Buzz in Doolittle Seat
I’ve received dozens of emails, calls and comments regarding my first post regarding potential candidates in the Doolittle District. And no, they weren’t all because I quoted Eminem.
I received a hilarious message from Congressman Doug Ose (pictured to the right) — lets just say, he was flattered to be on the list but is definitely not running. Doug would have been a great candidate, he’s been through these competitive primaries in the past and knows what it takes to win. He has a solid base of supporters that are willing to donate, volunteer and even though he didn’t live in the district, he had lots of friends that did.
Local reader Meredith Turney posted Eric Egland as a strong candidate — I’d never heard of him until last week so I did some research. Turns out he served in… Read More