Commonwealth Club Forum – Should DTS voters be able to participate in the GOP Presidential Primary?
Tomorrow, in Sacramento, the Commonwealth Club of California is hosting an hour-long forum on whether or not the California Republican Party should allow Decline-To-State voters to cast ballots in the GOP Presidential primary.
There are four panelists — representing the school of thought that DTS voters should be allowed will be former CRP Chairman Duf Sundheim and former Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, and representing the opposite point of view will be Assembly Elections Committee Vice Chairman Anthony Adams and… me!
There are still a few seats available for what promises to be an entertaining program. If you are interested in attending, here is the location (right next to the Capitol): Library and Courts Building, Room 500, 914 Capitol Mall.
If you would like to attend, RSVP here. The remaining seats will undoubtedly go quickly..… Read More