Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Bob Huff – Bullying Tactics Fail to Intimidate Assembly Republicans
Late last week, Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, acting like a four-year-old moved third-term Assemblyman Todd Spitzer into what is literally the smallest legislative office in the State Capitol. What did Spitzer do to merit being the target of this Núñez "tantrum" ?? Well, I’m not sure what the proverbial straw was that broke the back of the Speaker, but there is no doubt that Spitzer’s multi-year battle against liberal Democrats and their unwillingness to hold individuals responsible for their criminal actions (ultra-liberals belief that these criminals are actually ‘victims’ themselves, of a society that has ‘forced’ them into committing crime). Núñez famously verbally assaulted Spitzer after he wrote on this website a column talking about how Democrats were "pro-criminal" – which, based on their constant rejection of tough-on-criminal legislation, is an accurate label!
Below is an exclusive column from Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, penned in response to Nunez’ childish action:… Read More