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Mike Spence

More AD 60 Watch: Hagman captures LA County support

Curt Hagman is wasting no time in capitalizing on Mike Radlovic’s decision not to run in the 60th AD. See my previous post here. Below is an invitation I received for an event Hagman is having in LA County. In addition to Mike Radlovic, It features Former Assemblyman Bob Pacheco—he represented the 60th before term limits kicked him out. His wife Gayle Pacheco, a former candidate and former community college trustee is listed. David Hall, a current community college trustees. He is also connected to Hitchcock Automotive a big GOP donor. Rowland Unified School Trustee Heidi Gallegos, Diamond Bar Council members Steve Tye and Carol Herrera and Walnut Councilwoman Mary Su. This is an impressive list of officeholders from the LA portion of the Assembly District. Assemblyman Huff is speaking. I should note he also appeared at a fundraiser for the other announcedRead More

Jon Fleischman

Congressman Ed Royce Outraged by Senate Sell Out

I just received this release from the office of FR friend and Orange County Congressman Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) in response to actions taken today by the U.S. Senate that grants amnesty to illegal immigrants under a new form of visa:


Rep. Ed Royce – Ranking Member, Terrorism, Nonproliferation & Trade – issued the following statement on the Senate Immigration Deal. The Senate bill will provide amnesty to those here illegally, no matter how the Senators "spin" the issue. Amnesty failed in 1986, as it prompted a massive increase in illegal immigration with the anticipation of future clemency. Amnesty says that individuals need not respect our laws, it awards people who break the law and flout our sovereignty

The 1986 amnesty provided legal status for undocumented aliens already present in the country. ItRead More

Kids Over Politics Any Day

As many of our readers know, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is completely controlled by Board Members opposed to making serious reform and have placed the needs of special interests ahead of educating our children.

Nearly 750,000 students are currently enrolled in the system, and according to most estimates, about 50% of those students will never make it to their graduation.

The New Majority California (NMCA) (a client of ours at Meridian Pacific) has made reforming LAUSD a priority since it started a Los Angeles chapter in 2005.

In 2006, NMCA and its members worked with Republican State Senator George Runner in trying to craft language for the LAUSD Takeover Legislation; its members have lead efforts to increase the number of charter schools in the district (a major issue in this most recent election); and two prominent members of the LA Chapter, former Mayor Richard… Read More

James V. Lacy

Forced disclosure of donors to advocacy nonprofits proposed by House Democrats

Democratic leaders have proposed a lobbying reform measure that, if enacted, will require disclosure of names and addresses of donors of $500 to nonprofits that actively advocate for Federal legilsation. Such donors have never been subject to public disclosure before and advocacy groups fear a "chilling affect" on grass roots advocacy activity will occur if the Democrats succeed with their bill.

According to a report in The Hill, “This is written in a very vague manner such that it is unclear what their intent is and could be construed to require all 501(c) organizations to disclose anyone who gives more than $500 in a quarter,” said Cleta Mitchell, a lawyer with Foley Lardner who represents some conservative membership organizations, including the NRA and Americans for Tax Reform, who would be affected by the measure. Mitchell said that a lifetime membership to the NRA costs about $700. She said the Democratic leadership’s bill could be interpreted as requiring the NRA to disclose the names of anyone who purchases a lifetime membership in the group.

The Hill also reports aHouse Democratic aide familiar with the bill’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Perata/Ashburn – Career politicians at any cost?

At the end of next year, both Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata, a liberal Democrat, and long-time legislator Roy Ashburn, a conservative Republican, will reach the end of their time in the State Legislature. Both will bump up against the voter-approved legislative term-limits in our State Constitution. This is as it should be. Term Limits allow for more Californians to have an opportunity to be citizen-legislators. As a matter of fact, were it not for term-limits, it is likely that neither of these politicians would be in Sacramento right now. That said, it is with a skeptic’s eye that we read news that these two termed-out legislators are pushing forward with a ‘comprehensive reform’ plan for next year’s ballot that, if put before the voters as currently written, would allow Perata, Ashburn and a host of other legislators who would be forced to retire to instead serve longer in the State Legislature. Of course, there has long been a discussion that Republican legislators, most of whom support the current term limits, would be willing to… Read More

Mike Spence

LA New Majority. Are They On Our Side?

In yesterday’s report on the Los Angeles County School elections, it was revealed in the Los Angeles Times that a “moderate Republican” group had spent $170,000 to help elect Villaraigosa backed Democrat Tamar Galatzan over the Teacher union backed Democrat Jon Lauritzen. See article here. The group was the New Majority PAC (TNM). Initial results had Galatzen winning by about 6000 votes. While the New Majority was spending that kind of cash to help a Democrat, Villaraigosa backed REPUBLICAN candidate Dick Vladovic was winning by a margin of about 700 votes. Roy Burns another GOP candidate for Los Angeles Community College District was winning by a mere 88 votes. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Western CPAC 2007 – Sign Up Now!

Where will YOU be on October 12th and 13th?

I would like to cordially invite you to join me at the 2007 Western Conservative Political Action Conference being held right here in California! This conference, a sister to the wildly successful CPAC conferences in Washington, D.C., will be an exciting opportunity for conservative leaders and activists from the Western United States to come together to hear from great speakers, engage in discussions on the important issues of the day, and organize so that conservatives can have the greatest amount of influence for the coming national, state and local elections! President Reagan’s eldest son, Michael, a reknowned talk-show host and conservative leader in his own right, is the General Chairman for this event, and will be on hand playing a primary role… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Western CPAC 2007 – Sign Up Now!

Where will YOU be on October 12th and 13th?

I would like to cordially invite you to join me at the 2007 Western Conservative Political Action Conference being held right here in California! This conference, a sister to the wildly successful CPAC conferences in Washington, D.C., will be an exciting opportunity for conservative leaders and activists from the Western United States to come together to hear from great speakers, engage in discussions on the important issues of the day, and organize so that conservatives can have the greatest amount of influence for the coming national, state and local elections! President Reagan’s eldest son, Michael, a reknowned talk-show host and conservative leader in his own right, is the General Chairman for this event, and will be on hand playing a primary role… Read More