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Jill Buck

The Green Machine

I just got off a conference call with 120 other people from CA, WA, OR, NM, AZ, and British Columbia. The purpose of the call was to introduce an initiative that the Governors of each of the states and the BC province have begun to regionally address reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the development of a regional cap and trade market for carbon emissions. In a nutshell, a cap and trade market allows companiesthat exceed government standards in carbon emissions to sell carbon shares to companiesthat fail to meet government standards for reduction of carbon emissions. The Western Governor’s Association is providing assistance to the group, in terms of coordination. The goal for the member states and provinces is to set goals by August of this year, and by August of 2008 have some standards in place that will be enforced state-by-state, as well as regionally. The hope is that the members will adopt California’s motor vehicle emissions standards, and mirror the statutory requirements of AB 32.

While I was on the call, I had a flashback to the Governor’s Climate Change Summit last April in San Francisco. At that time, there were members of the panelwho… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

6 California Republicans Vote To Pay Reparations For Japanese War Crimes

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the "Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act" on a vote of 288 to 133.

What this nobly titled bill does is force American taxpayers to pay reparations to Guam residents who suffered at the hands of Imperial Japan during World War II:

Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act – Recognizes the suffering and the loyalty of the people of Guam during the Japanese occupation of Guam in World War II.

Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to make specified payments to: (1) living Guam residents who were killed, injured, interned, or subjected to forced labor or marches resulting from, or incident to, such occupation and subsequent liberation; and (2) survivors of compensable residents who died in war or survivors of compensable injured residents (such payments to be made after payments have been made to surviving Guam residents).

66 Republican Congressmen voted for this morally obtuse… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California Political Fundraiser Ann Dunsmore tapped as Rudy’s Deputy Campaign Manager

The Giuliani for President campaign is treading on some new ground. While campaign fundraising is an integral (and essential) component of any national campaign for the White House, there is still a natural tendency to ‘wall off’ the fundraising arm of a campaign from the political side. The notion typically is that that fundraising brings IN the resources, and political SPENDS the resources. Well, yesterday Rudolph Giuliani tapped a Californian as a Deputy Campaign Manager, someone who will ‘bridge the gap’ between the finance and political operations.

Ann Dunsmore (pictured to the right) has had a successful career spanning nearly three decades in the world of political (and non-profit) fundraising. Her company, Capitol Campaigns, has a national reputation for their ability to separate donors from their cash on behalf their clients. With offices around California, but also in Manhattan, Ann… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California Political Fundraiser Ann Dunsmore tapped as Rudy’s Deputy Campaign Manager

The Giuliani for President campaign is treading on some new ground. While campaign fundraising is an integral (and essential) component of any national campaign for the White House, there is still a natural tendency to ‘wall off’ the fundraising arm of a campaign from the political side. The notion typically is that that fundraising brings IN the resources, and political SPENDS the resources. Well, yesterday Rudolph Giuliani tapped a Californian as a Deputy Campaign Manager, someone who will ‘bridge the gap’ between the finance and political operations.

Ann Dunsmore (pictured to the right) has had a successful career spanning nearly three decades in the world of political (and non-profit) fundraising. Her company, Capitol Campaigns, has a national reputation for their ability to separate donors from their cash on behalf their clients. With offices around California, but also in Manhattan, Ann… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Phayre’s Leaf Monkeys

Phayre’s Leaf Monkeys: You probably have never heard of a Phayre’s leaf monkey. Neither had I, until last week, when the House voted on the reauthorization of the spending for the National Science Foundation. Never mind that the bill increased spending in excess of 25% over 3 years. I found 7 specific items of spending that were in the bill to be of particular interest. They were:

-Study the social relationships and reproductive strategies of Phayre’s leaf monkeys -Study of the sexual politics of waste in Dakar, Senegal -Study of the cognitive model of superstitious belief -Research the archives of Andean knotted-string records -Study the accuracy in the cross-cultural understanding of other’s emotions -Research of bison hunting on the late prehistoric great plains -Study of team vs. individual play

Now, I will give the academics the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps all of these studies have some value to academicians and maybe the results are interesting to those who study these areas. That is not the question. The question is whether or not they rise to the level of public need that… Read More

Mike Spence

One Week left to elect Republican to LA Community College District

The LA Community College District is a sprawling district that takes in Los Angeles and several nearby cities. The LAACD has served as a launching ground for several politicians, Jerry Brown on the bad side. Mike Antonovich on the good side.

Lately, the LACCD has been a backwater for union hacks. There are serious management issues.

Next Tuesday’s election is expected to bring out an amazing 4% of the vote. Longtime Republican and former head of the Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs made the runoff. Antonovich and The LA County GOP has endorsed Burns. Can a GOTV effort elect a Republican? See article here and see Shawn Steel’s post on the primary here.

On another note with three straight posts I have finally broken the Fleischman Monopoly! Freedom!… Read More

Mike Spence

Knight getting solid LA Support in AD 36

The Steve Knight campaign is consolidating its local official endorsements on the LA side of the district. The campaign reported endorsements from all five members of the Lancaster City Council: Mayor Henry Hearns, Vice Mayor Andy Visokey and Council members Jim Jeffra, Ed Sileo and Ron Smith. Smith and Visokey have been interested in the seat in the past. Smith actually filed a candidate intention statement. See my previous post on the race here.Read More

Mike Spence

Movin’ On Up! Profiles of Becky Warren and Ginny Justice

Want to get ahead? Just join the staff of State Senator George Runner. Apparently you just go on to bigger and better things. The Antelope Valley Press profiles Becky Warren, the new deputy communications director for Schwarzenegger and Ginny Justice who will work for Lynne Cheney. An interesting read. See ithere.

Congratulations to both, but Becky you could do better!Read More