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Carl Fogliani

McNerney: “Mission Accomplished!”

At one of his recent outreach events, Jerry McNerney (the same guy who changed his position on 55 issues on an issue questionnaire in the last campaign) threw in to support President Bush when he landed on the carrier with the sign that has been a rallying point for leftists against the war in Iraq that stated "Mission Accomplished."

McNerney boldly stated "The war in Iraq has been won" in a recent edition of the Escalon Times when talking with local constituents.

McNerney’s ability to put his foot in his mouth will continue to enhance Republican opportunities to regain this seat. The other interesting factor that blowhards like Art Torres won’t say when they cheap shot Republican candidates who declare for this race is that McNerney is starting to run away from the leftists who threaten his only chance to hold a job for more than two years. After his recent vote against the Magovern bill that infuriated his nutjob blogger base in Berkeley and now this, McNerney’s ability to hold his lunatic fringe while actually trying to reflect the views of a district grounded in reality continue to make him the dream opponent for any… Read More

Shawn Steel

Where does the CRP live ?

Weknow there are 1,432 voting Members of the Republican State Central Committee, a.k.a. the California Republican Party (CRP). But since geography in our thousand mile long state can tell you quite a bit aboutpeople’s political interests and alliances, just where do those people live? I broke itdown by county and by the CRP’s oddly configured "regions", and the results are revealing. Only three counties have more than 100 Members. Another 17 counties have at least 20 Members. These "Top Twenty" counties have 1,103 of the 1,432 Members, or a whopping 77% of the total vote. The three southern California coastal counties of LosRead More

Jon Fleischman

Do you oppose amnesty? Make a call!

Millions upon millions of criminal aliens are living in the United States, in violation of our laws. President Bush and some Senators of both parties have proposed a massive amnesty proposal that would grant legal status to all of these people.

If you think, like I do, that this is a terrible idea, then let your Congressmen know. Also, if you are a GOPer, then contact the RNC right away. The titular Chairman of the Republican National Committee is Florida Senator Mel Martinez. Tell the RNC that you are watching the Senator’s vote, and expect swift action on the part of RNC leaders if Martinez votes for the amnesty plan. (Frankly, as our party’s leader, he should be leading the fight against this bad bill.)

I am going to contact my Congressman, John Campbell, right now!

I am a supporter of LEGAL immigration. But not legitimizing scofflaws who disrespect this country by violating her laws to be here.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

UC Irvine’s Muslim Student Union Has Funny Idea of Free Speech

Red County’s young intern (who uses the nom-du-blog El Libertador) attended a talk yesterday by Amir Abdul-Malik Ali that was sponsored by the UC Irvine Muslim Student Union.

El Liberdator was trying to video tape the talk but ultimately was harassed out by Muslim Student Union members who surrounded him, stood in front of his camera, threatened to call the police — you know, standard campus thug tactics.

Click here on Red County/OC Blog to see his video and read his account of the incident.… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Congressman David Dreier: Congressional Democrats Stifling House Debates, Breaking Pledge To Have “Most Open Congress in History”

14-term Congressman David Dreier of California’s 26th Congressional District (Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties) is emerging as the leading US House Republican in Spotlighting Congressional Democratic attempts to stifle debate on legislation on the Floor of the US House of Representatives. Such efforts are causing Democrats in their new-found majority status to break a key election year campaign pledge to ensure the “Most open Congress in History.” According to Congressman Dreier (David Dreier is the immediate past chair the House Committee on Rules), Speaker Pelosi’s Democrats have intentionally quieted discussions on very serious federal measures, including last week’s historic debate on Iraq supplemental funding legislation.

Specifically, Congressman Dreier is taking Congressional Democrats to task for issuing of a closed rule for consideration of an appropriations bill. Last week, House Democrats issued one closed rule for the latest version of the Iraq war supplemental funding bill. No… Read More

Congressman David Dreier: Congressional Democrats Stifling House Debates, Breaking Pledge To Have “Most Open Congress in History”

14-term Congressman David Dreier of California’s 26th Congressional District (Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties) is emerging as the leading US House Republican in Spotlighting Congressional Democratic attempts to stifle debate on legislation on the Floor of the US House of Representatives. Such efforts are causing Democrats in their new-found majority status to break a key election year campaign pledge to ensure the “Most open Congress in History.” According to Congressman Dreier (David Dreier is the immediate past chair the House Committee on Rules), Speaker Pelosi’s Democrats have intentionally quieted discussions on very serious federal measures, including last week’s historic debate on Iraq supplemental funding legislation.

Specifically, Congressman Dreier is taking Congressional Democrats to task for issuing of a closed rule for consideration of an appropriations bill. Last week, House Democrats issued one closed rule for the latest version of the Iraq war supplemental funding bill. No… Read More

Mike Spence

More AD 60 Watch: Hagman captures LA County support

Curt Hagman is wasting no time in capitalizing on Mike Radlovic’s decision not to run in the 60th AD. See my previous post here. Below is an invitation I received for an event Hagman is having in LA County. In addition to Mike Radlovic, It features Former Assemblyman Bob Pacheco—he represented the 60th before term limits kicked him out. His wife Gayle Pacheco, a former candidate and former community college trustee is listed. David Hall, a current community college trustees. He is also connected to Hitchcock Automotive a big GOP donor. Rowland Unified School Trustee Heidi Gallegos, Diamond Bar Council members Steve Tye and Carol Herrera and Walnut Councilwoman Mary Su. This is an impressive list of officeholders from the LA portion of the Assembly District. Assemblyman Huff is speaking. I should note he also appeared at a fundraiser for the other announcedRead More

Jon Fleischman

Congressman Ed Royce Outraged by Senate Sell Out

I just received this release from the office of FR friend and Orange County Congressman Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) in response to actions taken today by the U.S. Senate that grants amnesty to illegal immigrants under a new form of visa:


Rep. Ed Royce – Ranking Member, Terrorism, Nonproliferation & Trade – issued the following statement on the Senate Immigration Deal. The Senate bill will provide amnesty to those here illegally, no matter how the Senators "spin" the issue. Amnesty failed in 1986, as it prompted a massive increase in illegal immigration with the anticipation of future clemency. Amnesty says that individuals need not respect our laws, it awards people who break the law and flout our sovereignty

The 1986 amnesty provided legal status for undocumented aliens already present in the country. ItRead More