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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Will the Feds foil the Arnold/Perata/Nunez Healthcare Plans?

We usually look to the news department of a media publication to break news items, and then the opinion page of that publication to opine on the news. Down in San Diego, the Union-Tribune’s Chris Reed continues to justify his statewide reputation for aggressive research as an editorial board member, and the lead editorial from the U-T today demonstrates it. There has been an ongoing and growing theory that the aggressive proposal by Governor Schwarzenegger to impose massive government regulation on the health care insurance provided by private employers in the Golden State would violate a relatively obscure federal law passed in 1974 called the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, known as ERISA (I should add that proposals by legislative Democrats also would be cross-wise with this federal law). Reed spoke with a senior official with the U.S. Department of labor and apparently the Feds are quite cognizant of what is being discussed in California (as well as some other states) and don’t think that plans as proposal pass federal muster. FR readers should definitely take the time to read this SDUT piece, which tops our main… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Will the Feds foil the Arnold/Perata/Nunez Healthcare Plans?

We usually look to the news department of a media publication to break news items, and then the opinion page of that publication to opine on the news. Down in San Diego, the Union-Tribune’s Chris Reed continues to justify his statewide reputation for aggressive research as an editorial board member, and the lead editorial from the U-T today demonstrates it. There has been an ongoing and growing theory that the aggressive proposal by Governor Schwarzenegger to impose massive government regulation on the health care insurance provided by private employers in the Golden State would violate a relatively obscure federal law passed in 1974 called the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, known as ERISA (I should add that proposals by legislative Democrats also would be cross-wise with this federal law). Reed spoke with a senior official with the U.S. Department of labor and apparently the Feds are quite cognizant of what is being discussed in California (as well as some other states) and don’t think that plans as proposal pass federal muster. FR readers should definitely take the time to read this SDUT piece, which tops our main… Read More

Shawn Steel

Freedom Fighters Invade UCI

Walid Shoebat, Zak Anani and Kamal Saleem are Arabs. Each was an active Terrorist.

All three will tell their stories at UCI this coming Wednesday night, May 30th, at 7:30 in Bren Event Center.

The 3 former terrorists have attracted standing room audiences all over the country. Stanford University, announced it would not permit off campus supporters to attend their talk on campus. The usual academic tolerance at work.

The UCI College Republicans have made sure they secured a large auditorium. The security will be tight by the excellent on-campus police and the Irvine Police Department.

Walid Shoebat was born in Bethlehem, [ not many can say that], from a prominent Muslim family. He joined the PLO at an early age and was jailed often by the Israelis.

Zak Anani, is from a prominent Sunni family and also served in the PLO since he was 7 years old.

Kamal Saleem, born in Beirut from 2 generation of Imams,was active in the Muslim terror groups during the War in Beirut in the 1980’s.

All three are marked as " apostates ".

This is the real deal.

UCI has the notorious reputation of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Duke Cunningham – Harper’s Q&A Resalts the Wounds

If you have a few minutes, and need a refresher course on exactly what a slimeball ex-Congressman Duke Cunningham really was, then click on this link to pull up some Q&A from Harper’s Magazine with Marcus Stern who, along with some other MSM colleagues, have just released a new book detailing the travesty.

After reading this Q & A, you will probably hope, like me that Cunningham, serving a lengthy sentence at the U.S. Penitentiary and Federal Prison Camp in Tuscon, Arizona, is stuck moving bricks from one side of a courtyard to the other, over and over.

I’m still mad. (H/Tto John Dadian for sending this my way.)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lewis Does the Right Thing – Signs Campbell’s Letter

FR readers, I am pleased to report that according to a call I got from Congressman John Campbell’s office, Jerry Lewis signed the letter to President Bush pledging to uphold any vetoes on discretionary spending that are made by the President.

From talking to Campbell’s staff, it would appear that Lewis committed to signing around 45 minutes to an hour after we posted on the subject here at the FlashReport, and after Lewis was first singled out on Rob Bluey’s blog.

You can read our original post on this item by scrolling down, or clicking here. THANK YOU CONGRESSMAN LEWIS FOR SIGNING THE LETTER. Of course, thanks to the rest of the California GOP delegation as well!… Read More

Mike Spence

Governor Appoints LA Judges: 3 GOP, 2 Dem, 1 DS

The Governor’s recent judicial appointments actually had a small gain in GOP numbers. Unfortunately, this hardly makes a dent after almost 4 years of Arnold appointing a ratio of 2 Democrats for every Republican. See previous posts with link to others.Clearly Post Partisan means Democrats win!

Here are the judges according to Capitol Morning Report Los Angeles County: Mitchell L. Beckloff, 45, Santa Monica, Democrat, commissioner, same court. Edmund Willcox Clarke Jr., 56, Manhattan Beach, Republican, partner Stark & Clarke (law firm). Graciela L. Freixes, 51, Valencia, Republican, commissioner, same court. David B. Gelfound, 43, Simi Valley, Republican, deputy district attorney, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. John H. Ing, 53, Rancho Palos Verdes, decline-to-state, commissioner, same court. Kathryn A. Solorzano, 46, Los Angeles, Democrat, deputy district attorney, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Entire CA GOP Delegation Pledges To Uphold Spending Veto – Except (Of Course) Jerrry Lewis…

This website couldn’t be more enthusiastic about any member of Congress from California than we are about Representative John Campbell (pictured to the right). No, not just because he writes for our website. We’re big Campbell fans because he has proven in his short time on Capitol Hill to be one of the top leaders in the House on matters of fiscal restraint and common sense. It isn’t just where he stands on the issues, but that he is an activist, willing to exert time and energy to promote the issues in which he believes — the most paramount of which, as a Congressman, is reducing the size and scope of the federal government. So it is no surprise that Congressman Campbell has been leading the charge to rally Congressmen to sign a letter to the President letting him know that they will vote to sustain his veto when he rejects overspending by House Democrats. In his latest… Read More

Governor Schwarzenegger Appoints Republican Leader Elia Pirozzi To Judicial Post

Great news from the office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger – former San Bernardino Republican Party Chair Elia Pirozzi has been appointed to serve on the Superior Court. Pirozzi served as party chair from 2000-03 and stood for election to Congress and State Assembly in recent election cycles.

Many of us remember when Elia Pirozzi was the Republican Party nominee against 42nd Congressional District liberal incumbent Congressman George Brown in 1998, and subsequent races for the same post in 1999 and 2000 against Democrat Joe Baca. Pirozzi was the GOP standard-bearer in a tough district for Republican candidates, and all three times he came close to prevailing against his Democratic opponents despite difficult party registration numbers.

More recently, in 2004, Pirozzi stood for election to the California State Assembly, where he had a nail-bitingly close 157-vote loss to fellow Republican BillRead More