Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Jun 08, 2007 Comments Off on BREAKING: Postmus to Pass Batan of San Bernardino County GOP Leadership to Ovitt
I just got off the phone with San Bernardino County Republican
Party Chairman Bill Postmus to confirm a statement issued by the
party – Bill will be stepping down as chair of the organization he
has successfully led through five election statewide
In announcing his retirement, Postmus threw his support to
County Supervisor Gary Ovitt, his County GOP Vice Chairman, to
succeed him. The support from the popular Postmus virtually
assures that Ovitt will be the next County Chairman.
Postmus, who has led the successful county GOP organization
since he was elected in late 2003, was recently elected County
Assessor for San Bernardino County.
Attached to this post is the email sent out by Postmus, which
you can read. It really goes into much more detail.
I will close by saying that while no one can serve in these
posts forever (they are volunteer positions, ya know) — it’s
certainly too bad Bill could not. He’s a great guy, a good
friend, a solid conservative who is passionate about the Grand Old
Party, and is a dynamic leader. Fortunately he’ll still be
around to help out the presumed new Chairman, Gary… Read More