Today’s Commentary: Video Clips from the GOP Presidential Debate, and the hijacking of Maldo’s SB 850
GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Last night’s GOP Presidential debate in New Hampshire is still residing, unwatched, on my Tivo. So I will be leaving it to others to opine as to who won and who lost. That said, we here at the FlashReport continue our commitment to provide outstanding post-debate coverage for our readers. Once again, on the main page we featured columns on behalf of the front-runner candidates, penned by prominent Californians — Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman for Mitt Romney, State Senator Jeff Denham for John McCain, and Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle for Rudy Giuliani… Also, at the bottom of this Commentary are some video clips of these three candidates in action (provided by the campaigns)…
MALDONADO’S "MISSING ANGELS" BILL HIJACKED On Monday the full Senate voted on SB 850, the "Missing Angels" act. This is a piece of legislation that will allow families who have endured the… Read More