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Jon Fleischman

“Encouraging” Show Of Support For Thompson In California

The FlashReport has learned that within the next day or so there will be an announcement of state legislative support for a still-possible Fred Thompson candidacy for the presidency of the United States. On the final day of session this past week, Republican legislators were circulating a letter of "encouragement" for Thompson to join the race for the White House. All but one of these aren’t endorsements — yet — but the FR presumes they would become endorsements when/if Thompson makes an official announcement (the exception is Assemblyman Chuck DeVore who was the first to figuratively endorse the former U.S. Senator from Tennessee publicly last Thursday).

The list of those legislative Republicans "encouraging" Thompson are:

Senator Sam AanestadRead More

Jon Fleischman

No Commentary Today

Enjoy your weekend. I am. Look for more insights and commentary tomorrow in this space.

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…SD’s Wi-Fi Future, the Iran Investment Gurus at the Union-Trib, and more

Wishin’ for Wi-Fi in San Diego… The prospects for SD going the wireless way of some other big U.S. cities have been seemingly slim, yet Matt Potter provides some hope in the Reader this past week. "It turns out," Potter writes, "that the City has been quietly negotiating for at least six months with EarthLink Municipal Networks, the Atlanta-based firm that is building systems in Philadelphia and San Francisco, among other cities."

Potter also indicates that the Earthlink system in Philly is"a lot cheaper than the rates offered by San Diego cable providers Cox Communications and Time Warner, who are said to be gearing up to fight any kind of similar arrangement that might emerge here. Verizon Wireless and other mobile carriers who offer data services equivalent to Wi-Fi can also be expected to lobby against free or low-priced service plans."

Unlike the Wal-Mart debate, where the SD City Council majority can’t see the point of providing lower prices to their constituents, this fight won’t be influenced by labor as much as it will be by long-time area… Read More

Mike Spence

“I have the best preparation you could want for going to Congress. I work in a psychiatric hospital.”

That’s the quote from Green Party 37th Congressional DistrictCandidateDaniel Abraham Brezenoff. One part of the debate between the candidates focused on what leading canidates said or didn’t say about each others mother. A fun read here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The GOP Stopped the Bush/Kennedy Amnesty Plan. And what’s up with the WSJ Ed Board?

As we go into a quiet weekend, with all of America comforted by the fact that Paris Hilton is back behind bars, we’re left to contemplate the aftermath of the so-far unsuccessful attempts by President Bush, Teddy Kennedy and others to push through the federal immigration amnesty package.

A couple of weeks ago, it looked like passage through the Senate, while a rocky road, was a likely one. But over the last couple of weeks, despite a barrage of misleading messaging from the White House and other sources, somehow trying to say that amnesty isn’t amnesty, enough GOP Senators came together (whether through enlightenment, impact from an intense grassroots lobbying effort, or a combination of the two) to prevent the matter from coming to a final vote in the Senate. Second only to the fact that this ill-advised bill was so strongly supported by a Republican President to whom I devoted the 2000 election cycle when I worked as Executive Director of the California Republican Party was the rhetoric coming from the otherwise reliable stable of conservative/libertarian thought over on the Wall Street Journal editorial board.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The GOP Stopped the Bush/Kennedy Amnesty Plan. And what’s up with the WSJ Ed Board?

As we go into a quiet weekend, with all of America comforted by the fact that Paris Hilton is back behind bars, we’re left to contemplate the aftermath of the so-far unsuccessful attempts by President Bush, Teddy Kennedy and others to push through the federal immigration amnesty package.

A couple of weeks ago, it looked like passage through the Senate, while a rocky road, was a likely one. But over the last couple of weeks, despite a barrage of misleading messaging from the White House and other sources, somehow trying to say that amnesty isn’t amnesty, enough GOP Senators came together (whether through enlightenment, impact from an intense grassroots lobbying effort, or a combination of the two) to prevent the matter from coming to a final vote in the Senate. Second only to the fact that this ill-advised bill was so strongly supported by a Republican President to whom I devoted the 2000 election cycle when I worked as Executive Director of the California Republican Party was the rhetoric coming from the otherwise reliable stable of conservative/libertarian thought over on the Wall Street Journal editorial board. This fine group… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Crisis Management: Water Runs Short, Delta Pumps To Be Re-started

The 10 day shutdown of the Delta pumps of the State Water Project will end with a phased ramp uprestart of those same pumps. The Delta Smelt fish population being the latest "environmental concern"cited to shut down the pumps and curtail human activity via the Endangered Species Act.

"Urban thirst"is cited [look in today’s SacBee] as the reason to turn on the pumps, pretty much regardless of the fish situation [or a perceived one] East Bay users have drawn down their small reservoirs as far as they dare to replace pumped water, and their underground wells, which they rely upon as a supplyfor drought management, will soon feel the draw down of that aquifer. "Underground storage" is the big panacea to the opponents of above ground storage, i.e. dams.

Enviros also cite conservation, a noble thought although you don’t conserve your way out of drought [ask the East Bay and SoCal]+ 1 million new population growth each 2 years in this state.

Until we build or augment new water storage and water conveyance, most Californians will have their water tap flowing, or not, subject to the whim of enviro… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Congratulations Orange County Fair Board Director Mary Young!

Thankfully, unlike his appointments in Glenn County, Governor Schwarzenegger has seen fit to keep the Orange County Fair Board solidly Republican. His latest appointment, FR has learned, is our friend and the Orange County Republican Party’s Secretary Mary Young!

Here’s the official write-up on Mary:

Mary Young, 63, of Aliso Viejo, has been appointed to the Orange County Fair Board of Directors (32nd District Agricultural Association). She has owned Quiet Village Mobile Home Park and Las Brisas Apartments since 1990. Young is active in her community and is a member of the Republican Presidential Task Force, Orange County Youth Commission and is a former member of Choices/Teen Awareness. She founded and is past president of the Aliso Viejo Republican Women Federated. This position does not require Senate confirmation and there is no salary. Young is a Republican.

Congratulations Mary!… Read More