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Barry Jantz

Assembly GOP Slams Federal Immigration Proposal

This just in…..

Assembly Republicans Call for Defeat of Immigration Law 22 Sign letter to Congress & Presidential Candidates Sacramento, CA – Today, 22 California Republican Assembly members have sent a letter to the United States Senate and Congressional leadership, as well as presidential candidates expressing opposition to the pending Federal immigration legislation.

“The proposed Federal immigration legislation would be disastrous for California and the Country,” said Assemblyman Joel Anderson, who gathered the signatures from his fellow legislators. “We have a responsibility to inform our Federal representatives and presidential candidates, who will be seeking California’s votes, that this thinly veiled amnesty bill should be killed,” said Anderson.

The letter states:

We opposed this ill-conceived and dangerous legislation for the following reasons:

-It is veiled amnesty for 11 million law-breaking immigrants, people who have violated the law by entering this country illegally.

-It will allow 11 millionRead More

Mike Spence

GOP and the 37th Congressional District

In a little over two weeks voters will go to the polls to elect a new Congressman for the 37th Congressional District. The area is most of Long Beach, Compton, Carson and Signal Hill. It is the 4th most Democratic district in California. In 2006, the GOP did not field a candidate. This special election, due to the death of Juanita Millender-McDonald has brought out 17 candidates. Four of them are Republicans. While the Democratic field is dominated by Assembly member Laura Richardson and State Senator Jenny Oropeza, the GOP side has been controversial in the LA GOP circles. There have been two failed attempts by factions within the Los Angeles County GOP to endorse a candidate in the race. The candidates are: LEROY JOSEPH "L.J." GUILLORY also know as Bishop Guillory. He is the most controversial and colorful. He served 8 ½ years for kidnapping and extortion. Time he says was … Read More

Jon Fleischman

UPDATE: “Encouraging” Show Of Support For Thompson In California

[Yesterday, the FR posted about news of an impending release of Republican legislators’ encouragementof former U.S. Senator and Law & Order actor Fred Thompson to enter the race for the presidency. Thanks to Senate Republican Caucus ChairmanGeorge Runner, the FR can now share with readers the actual letter of encouragement signed by nine members of the Senate and Assembly.]

An exerpt from the letter of encouragement to Fred Thompson (also attached below):

"Americans are looking for a leader to serve as our next President with a proven record of limiting the size and scope of government. Americans trust in political institutions has been jaded by broken promises of reduced spending and lowered taxes.

"YourRead More

Duane Dichiara

RIP Jack Orr

Republican political consultant Jack Orr died Saturday morning of a heart attack.

Inhis saladdays, Jack had been a member of the Reagan, Nixon, and Ford campaigns or administrations in Sacramento and Washington D.C.. Often when I meet one of the bigwigs from the 1970’s or 1980’s and they find out I’m from San Diego, they ask about Jack, and relay stories about his bulldog like campaigning for the tops of the ticket in years past.

Later,Jack made his home in San Diego’s North County and built a stable of medium sized city clients while he lobbied county government. He founded a unique North County institution, the Albondigas Club, a social order of local politicians and other interested folks in politics. With any luck, Encinitas Councilman Jerome Stocks will pick up the reigns of this organization.

Jack was a true rough and tumble campaigner. No mercy given or asked. He didn’t always win, and he didn’t always lose, but he always got his knuckles bloody. And at the ripe age of (I believe) 68 or 69 he was still working daily on new innovations, including ‘auto-dial polling’.

Jack Orr spent a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: OC GOP Flag Day Dinner – A Great Event

Last night Orange County Republicans filled the main ballroom at the Irvine Hyatt Hotel to capacity for the 8th Annual Flag Day Celebration fundraising event. The "big winner" of the evening was OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, who spearheaded a major effort to sell out this event, succeeding as over 1100 Republicans were on hand to hear from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The event raised over $300,000 for the party, and gave Giuliani the coveted opportunity to bring his message to the single largest annual gathering of GOPers in America’s most Republican county.

My colleague, Matt Cunningham, a FR Orange County blogger on this site, and the proprietor of the venerable Red County OC Blog (where I am a blogger as well) was at this dinner as well (digital camera in hand) and he’ll be cross-posting his take on the event, for you to read all about it. Fellow FR bloggers Adam Probolsky Ray Haynes, Adam Aleman and Jim Lacy were also on hand, and perhaps we’ll hear from them as well.

I am leaving right after I post this commentary to travel up to Santa Barbara where I will be touring the Reagan Ranch in advance of a major event… Read More

Jon Fleischman

OC GOP Flag Day Dinner – A Great Event

Last night Orange County Republicans filled the main ballroom at the Irvine Hyatt Hotel to capacity for the 8th Annual Flag Day Celebration fundraising event. The "big winner" of the evening was OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh, who spearheaded a major effort to sell out this event, succeeding as over 1100 Republicans were on hand to hear from former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The event raised over $300,000 for the party, and gave Giuliani the coveted opportunity to bring his message to the single largest annual gathering of GOPers in America’s most Republican county.

My colleague, Matt Cunningham, a FR Orange County blogger on this site, and the proprietor of the venerable Red County OC Blog (where I am a blogger as well) was at this dinner as well (digital camera in hand) and he’ll be cross-posting his take on the event, for you to read all about it. Fellow FR bloggers Adam Probolsky, Ray Haynes, Adam Aleman and Jim Lacy were also on hand, and perhaps we’ll hear from them as well.

I am leaving right after I post this commentary to travel up to Santa Barbara where I will be touring the Reagan Ranch in advance of a major event… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Encouraging” Show Of Support For Thompson In California

The FlashReport has learned that within the next day or so there will be an announcement of state legislative support for a still-possible Fred Thompson candidacy for the presidency of the United States. On the final day of session this past week, Republican legislators were circulating a letter of "encouragement" for Thompson to join the race for the White House. All but one of these aren’t endorsements — yet — but the FR presumes they would become endorsements when/if Thompson makes an official announcement (the exception is Assemblyman Chuck DeVore who was the first to figuratively endorse the former U.S. Senator from Tennessee publicly last Thursday).

The list of those legislative Republicans "encouraging" Thompson are:

Senator Sam AanestadRead More

Jon Fleischman

No Commentary Today

Enjoy your weekend. I am. Look for more insights and commentary tomorrow in this space.

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More