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Jon Fleischman

HJTA’s Jon Coupal: “Scary”

We are pleased to present this commentary from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association:


Lots of things bother me about horror movies, but one of the big things is the inability to warn the victims that a grisly fate awaits them just around the corner. There are times when, at one time or another, we have all wanted to stand up in the theatre and yell "don’t go in that creepy mansion, you fool!" In horror movies, "ignorance is bliss" is a decidedly wrong idea. Ignorance leads to nasty encounters with characters like Freddie, Chucky or Hannibal. Equating ignorance with bliss is also a decidedly wrong idea when it comesRead More

Mike Spence

Can A Convicted Kidnapper Be A Congressman?

I know this sounds like a joke with a punch line that goes like this; "Sure, with all the thieves why not?"

But, I did receive several emails after a post on the GOP race in the 37th Congressional District asking me just that. See post here. OneGOP candidate "Bishop" Guillory is a convicted Kidnapper. How can he run, you ask??

I know this answer, becasue Iregistered a convicted felon to vote at a local Republican booth just before the 2004 elections. He was hardcore is so many ways. That’s right convicted felons can vote and hold office in California IF they are not in prison or on parole. You can see it for yourself on the Secretary of State website here.

Hey ,it’s better than all the uncovicted felons in office.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Letter to God as a Reference for Jack Orr

Over the weekend, the FR main page included some links to stories about the Saturday passing of longtime GOP consultant Jack Orr. Duane Dichiara also posted a tribute to Jack yesterday.

Today on Red County/San Diego, Ernie Cowan of the North SD County Association of Realtors posts an open letter in tribute to his friend:

To God. Letter of Reference for Mr. Jack Orr As a founding member of the Albondigas Political Society and a person who considered Jack Orr a deep personal friend, I don’t think we can go without assisting him as much as possible. His loss saddens us greatly, but knowing him brightened our lives and filled many of our days with fun and excitement.

Jack, old friend, you will be missed terribly, but thank you for contributing so much to so many.

To: God Subject: Letter of Reference for Mr. Jack Orr

Dear God:

It is with sadness that I provide this letter ofRead More

Jon Fleischman

Nanny State: Some GOP Senators can’t resist being parents to all California minors…

I guess this blog post is aimed squarely at GOP State Senators Sam Aanastad, Tom Harman, and Abel Maldonado. You see, these are the only Republicans who voted for a piece of legislation that, in essence, bans the use of cell phones and PDAs of 16 an 17 year old drivers while they are operating a car. My question is this… Would they also vote for legislation that would ban ANY driver, regardless of age, from doing this? My guess is probably not. (Well, Aanastad did vote last year to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Disney’s “Magic” – Trample the Property Rights of Neighbors

[I am writing this commentary from Santa Barbara, where today I will be on hand for a special ceremony at the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center here, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" speech. I’ll be bringing you footage of the event, as well as coverage of a trip I took to "Rancho Del Cielo" — the Reagan Ranch — tomorrow morning! – Flash]

It’s been a little while since I have penned anything on the goings on in the City of Anaheim. FR readers may recall that I took the folks at Disney to task for pushing a city-wide ballot measure that would create ‘ballot box’ zoning in close proximity to Disneyland — but not IN Disneyland. In otherwords, other property owners would have onerous regulations placed on them, while the Disney Corporation would not. Anyways, you can read more about what they call the "SOAR" plan in my previous column.

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Jon Fleischman

Disney’s “Magic” – Trample the Property Rights of Neighbors

[I am writing this commentary from Santa Barbara, where today I will be on hand for a special ceremony at the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center here, to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" speech. I’ll be bringing you footage of the event, as well as coverage of a trip I took to "Rancho Del Cielo" — the Reagan Ranch — tomorrow morning! – Flash]

It’s been a little while since I have penned anything on the goings on in the City of Anaheim. FR readers may recall that I took the folks at Disney to task for pushing a city-wide ballot measure that would create ‘ballot box’ zoning in close proximity to Disneyland — but not IN Disneyland. In otherwords, other property owners would have onerous regulations placed on them, while the Disney Corporation would not. Anyways, you can read more about what they call the "SOAR" plan in my previous column.

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Matthew J. Cunningham

Rudy Giuliani AT OC GOP Flag Day Dinner

Cross-posted from Red County/OC Blog.

Another Republican Party of Orange County Flag Day dinner has come and gone. 1,100 people attended this year’s event and the OC GOP raised $300,000.

This year saw a continuance of the parade of presidential hopefuls who have become a staple for the yearly dinner, in the former of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. You can read account by Martin Wisckol (here and here) and Larry Gilbert.

Giuliani’s Speech I haven’t picked a horse in this race — at least among the four front runners (Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain and Fred Thompson). I find it difficult to imagine a scenario in which I would vote for Rudy Giuliani in the primary, and his speech last night didn’t change that.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Assembly GOP Slams Federal Immigration Proposal

This just in…..

Assembly Republicans Call for Defeat of Immigration Law 22 Sign letter to Congress & Presidential Candidates Sacramento, CA – Today, 22 California Republican Assembly members have sent a letter to the United States Senate and Congressional leadership, as well as presidential candidates expressing opposition to the pending Federal immigration legislation.

“The proposed Federal immigration legislation would be disastrous for California and the Country,” said Assemblyman Joel Anderson, who gathered the signatures from his fellow legislators. “We have a responsibility to inform our Federal representatives and presidential candidates, who will be seeking California’s votes, that this thinly veiled amnesty bill should be killed,” said Anderson.

The letter states:

We opposed this ill-conceived and dangerous legislation for the following reasons:

-It is veiled amnesty for 11 million law-breaking immigrants, people who have violated the law by entering this country illegally.

-It will allow 11 millionRead More