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Mike Spence

Speaking of Judges: Recall Approved of Judge in Halloween Beating Case.

Last Halloween 20 to 30 Black youthattacked 3 whiteyoung women at a Halloween Party. 9 of ten eventually charged were found guilty. It was ruled a hate crime. The attack was vicious. Brain injuries, broken bones, not pretty. Many surgeries are to come for the victims. The Judge Gibson Lee then sentenced four of the convicted felons to Go Home on House arrest for 60 days, probation, community service and “tolerance" programs. And those were the tough sentences. If only Paris Hilton had been involved.

The family of the victims along with some activists from the area has launched a recall.

It will take more than getting signatures in that area to qualify. BTW Gibson Lee is a registered Republican. If you likeyou can download a petition hereRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold Appoints 26 Judges — The Partisan Breakdown…

It’s interesting how the Governor tends to make a bunch of his appointments at ‘closing time’ on Fridays. Why is that?

Well, yesterday was no exception. At the end of the day, Arnold announced the appointment of 26 new Superior Court Judges… So as an excercize in editing, here is a brief summary of them, broken down by county and political party of the appointee. Before I go on, let me drop the good news and the bad news on you. Nearly 2/3 of the new judges are Republicans, which is a significantly higher GOP percentage for the Governor than we have (unfortunately) gotten used to. But, many of these appointments are to smaller (and definately more Republican) Counties. We’ll keep an eye out on how his appointments in the big counties look in the near future… The bad news? Well, if you are from San Joaquin County, both of the new judges are from the party of Hillary Clinton. And if you are from the Republican County of San Bernardino… Somehow with six new judges appointed there, only two of them are Republicans… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold Appoints 26 Judges — The Partisan Breakdown…

It’s interesting how the Governor tends to make a bunch of his appointments at ‘closing time’ on Fridays. Why is that?

Well, yesterday was no exception. At the end of the day, Arnold announced the appointment of 26 new Superior Court Judges… So as an excercize in editing, here is a brief summary of them, broken down by county and political party of the appointee. Before I go on, let me drop the good news and the bad news on you. Nearly 2/3 of the new judges are Republicans, which is a significantly higher GOP percentage for the Governor than we have (unfortunately) gotten used to. But, many of these appointments are to smaller (and definately more Republican) Counties. We’ll keep an eye out on how his appointments in the big counties look in the near future… The bad news? Well, if you are from San Joaquin County, both of the new judges are from the party of Hillary Clinton. And if you are from the Republican County of San Bernardino… Somehow with six new judges appointed there, only two of them are Republicans… … Read More

Thought I’d Seen It All

Earlier this year, several landowners complained to county supervisors that an individual had erected a large fence and installed guards to keep them off the property. Problem is, it is their property! Apparently this individual has built a large compound where he lives with his six children, on their property. He put up No Trespassing signs, on their property. He ran a free food program for the poor until the county code enforcement and sheriffs deputies raided the property,their property.

There is an accomodation in California law that allows the taking of land from somebody through an action called "adverse possession."

You can acquire title to land, even if someone else already owns it, if you’ve fenced it, openly occupied it without permission and paid property taxes continuously for five years.

Riverside County currently has about 20 cases of this type occurring. There would probably be more, but the paying of property taxes is where most get caught, because the tax collector usually notices two payments on the same property when different parties pay them.

I’m sure there is… Read More

Mike Spence

37th Congressional District: The last weekend!

The last weekend is here before the special election in the 37th CD. LBReport has audio from the last debate. Race is a big issue in this race on the Deomcratic side between blacks and latinos playing that card. The only GOP candidate campaign representedat the forum was Police officer John Kanaly. Get the low down here. See previous post here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

DeSaulnier’s intentions might be good – but naming public works for colleagues in office is a bad idea…

Over at the Contra Costa Times politics blog, Lisa Vorderbrueggen is reporting that Democrat Assemblyman Mark DeSaulnier has introduced a resolution in the Assembly to name the newly reconstructed Benicia-Martinez Bridge in the East Bay after a politician. But not Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or some other long-lost but nationally venerable leaders — he wants to name the bridge for the local, incumbent Congressman George Miller… Nice. I guess we are starting a new tradition now — if you bring back the pork, you get your name on the project. This is a terrible idea. Look, I don’t know George Miller, and this has nothing to do with him being a liberal Democrat. Republicans who famously procure pork for their districts shouldn’t be glorified either. For example, Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-Redlands)… Read More

Today’s Commentary: San Bernardino County Republicans Elect New Party Chair

Late last evening, San Bernardino County Republicans elected a new chair of the county’s party. CountySupervisor Gary Ovitt has been elected by the party’s membership and will succeed my boss Bill Postmus at the helm of the party that has seen tremendous successin recent years.

In addition to Ovitt’s election as chair, a new executive board was chosen as well. This important panel will see new faces. Those who will be continuing leading San Bernardino County Republicans include the following:

Chair: Gary Ovitt

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

San Bernardino County Republicans Elect New Party Chair

Late last evening, San Bernardino County Republicans elected a new chair of the county’s party. CountySupervisor Gary Ovitt has been elected by the party’s membership and will succeed my boss Bill Postmus at the helm of the party that has seen tremendous successin recent years.

In addition to Ovitt’s election as chair, a new executive board was chosen as well. This important panel will see new faces. Those who will be continuing leading San Bernardino County Republicans include the following:

Chair: Gary Ovitt

Vice chairs: San Bernardino County Supervisor Paul Biane and Fontana City Councilmember Acquanetta Warren Treasurer: Biane Chief of Staff Matt Brown

Secretary: Assemblymember Bill Emmerson District Director Nan Rider

First Supervisorial District’s representative: Ovitt Chief of Staff Mark Kirk

Second District’s representative: businessman Dan Richards

Third District’s representative: Party activist James Tate

Fourth District’s representative: Chino Hills Mayor Pro Tem Curt Hagman

Fifth District’s representative:Immigration reform advocate… Read More