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Barry Jantz

Christiansen To Be Interim COO

Jubal at the Red County/OC Blog has the news. This is a great move by the CRP to aggressively and quickly address yesterday’s fallout:

Bill Christiansen To Be Interim COO of the CRP

I’ve learned Bill Christiansen, former long-time executive director of the Republican Party of Orange County, will be tapped as the interim COO of the California Republican Party.Read it all here. Read More

Jon Fleischman

Of course the President’s Immigration Bill is Amnesty

Once again, today, I had someone try to tell me that the President’s proposal to grant amnesty to the millions of criminal aliens here in America is actually NOT amnesty.

According to the latest White House propaganda sheet on the Bush/Kennedy package, they make the following case as to why the proposal is not amnesty:

This Proposal Is Not Amnesty Because Illegal Workers Must Acknowledge That They Broke The Law, Pay A $1,000 Fine, And Undergo Criminal Background Checks To Obtain A Z Visa. To apply for a green card at a date years into the future, Z visa workers must wait in line behind those who applied lawfully, pay an additional $4,000 fine, complete accelerated English and civics requirements, and compete in the merit system based on the skills and attributes they will bring to the United States.

Apparently the folks at the White House aren’t familiar with the term proportional justice, which essential says, "Let the punishment fit the crime."

It would seem that the President and supporters of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Michelle Malkin weighs in with her conspiracy theory…

Nationally read conservative columnist and pundit Michelle Malkin has penned something on the Kamburowski incident now. Malkin’s comment:

It is interesting, of course, that the open-borders SFChronicle is suddenly concerned about deportation failures and immigration abuses. Nevertheless, the story is a legitimate story–and the California GOP should be mortified.

Question: Who was behind Kamburowski’s appointment? Did he have White House connections?

You can read it at her website here.

That said, I think that people are trying to make more of this than need be. Michael Kamburowski is not the first or last employee who hid information to get a job, and lost his job over it. Unfortunately, it happens all of the time.

That said, it is notable that Michael was in a high profile… Read More

Barry Jantz

Kamburowski’s Lawsuit Against Uncle Sam

Attached is former GOP COO Michael Kamburowski’s 2005 lawsuit filed in United States District Court (New York) against U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Aussie Paper: “Australian falls from top job in US party”

I have never heard of the Austrailian newspaper, The Age. But apparently they have a Los Angeles correspondent who has penned an article on the Kamburowski incident.

H/T to Red County San Berdo.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Kamburowski quits before he can be fired – now what?

I admit it. I was and am embarrassed about revelations yesterday that Michael Kamburowksi, the now-former Chief Operating Officer of the California Republican Party, apparently failed to disclose some rather significant items about his past when applying for the State GOP’s top staff job. Especially since I learned of these items on a visit to the San Francisco Chronicle early yesterday morning, while preparing yesterday’s FR main page. It led to me immediately asking, "Is our COO suing America?" A few months ago, I had a chance, along with CRP Treasurer Keith Carlson, to meet this potential new COO before he was hired, and I think it would be fair to say that we both found him to be a smart, engaged and savvy person. He was brought to us by CRP Chairman Ron Nehring as the person that he would like to have as his right hand, handling day-to-day operations. Having served as Executive… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Kamburowski quits before he can be fired – now what?

I admit it. I was and am embarrassed about revelations yesterday that Michael Kamburowksi, the now-former Chief Operating Officer of the California Republican Party, apparently failed to disclose some rather significant items about his past when applying for the State GOP’s top staff job. Especially since I learned of these items on a visit to the San Francisco Chronicle early yesterday morning, while preparing yesterday’s FR main page. It led to me immediately asking, "Is our COO suing America?" A few months ago, I had a chance, along with CRP Treasurer Keith Carlson, to meet this potential new COO before he was hired, and I think it would be fair to say that we both found him to be a smart, engaged and savvy person. He was brought to us by CRP Chairman Ron Nehring as the person that he would like to have as his right hand, handling day-to-day operations. Having served as Executive… Read More

James V. Lacy

Soft Money case resolved by Supreme Court – McCain-Feingold law gutted

Readers will know I have been covering progress of the Wisconsin Right to Life case, which challenges the portion of the McCain-Feingold campaign reform law that bans late election issue advocacy communications that mention a candidate’s name, but do not contain words of express advocacy of election/defeat of a candidate. The Supreme Court today decided the case in favor of the First Amendment rights of Wisconsin Right to Life, an Internal Revenue CodeSection 501(c)(4) advocacy organization. This is a big win for issue advocacy speech in an election context and couldchange the way issues are addressed in an election context — it means nonprofit advocacy groups funded by unions and corporations will not be afraid to speak out during election periods on the records of legislators and candidates, as long as their underlyingintent is to address their issue, and not the election itself. The court, in a 5-4 vote, upheld an appeals court ruling thatthe anti-abortion group should have been allowed to air ads during the final two months before the 2004 elections. The ads asked voters to contact the state’s two senators, Democrats… Read More