Governor signs bill after EVERY REPUBLICAN voted against it. More “Bipartisan, party of one.”
Yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger decided that he would ‘stick it in the eye’ of legislative Republicans by signing a bill authored by liberal Democrat Carol Migden of San Francisco, SB 376. We’ve spoken here before about Schwarzenegger’s "bi-partisan, party of one" and signing this bill is a great example — in the State Senate, EVERY Republican voted against is, and in the State Assembly EVERY Republican voted against is, as did one Democrat. That’s right, SB 376 arrived on Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk WITHOUT A SINGLE LEGISLATIVE REPUBLICAN VOTE. (Don’t take my word for it, the Senate and Assembly votes are attached below…) What does the bill do? In essence it would give the authority to the City Attorney of the County and City of San Francisco to file "unfair competition actions" and "pursue recovery of a civil penalty therefor without authorization from the district attorney." Given that particular city’s unique ability to elect total left wing nuts to office, why would we… Read More